Thursday, December 16, 2010

The GO, GO GO is GET, GET, GETing to Me!

I got home about a half hour ago from subbing for the third of four days this week. Today and tomorrow are with this sweet fifth grade class, that I've been in before. Which is great, I like them, they like me, and the teacher really trusts me. But, that also means she left me with a lot of liberty on how to direct the course of the two days. Nice, to some extent, but it's a lot of decision-making, punting, and additional planning.

Right now, I just want to take a bath and read a cheesy Christmas romance novel. Instead, I ought to be baking (AGAIN....John forgot to list a part-time employee to receive a cookie tray who gave us a hard time at the company party last night that he was left out - as well as a certain dear friend whose Christmas is made complete when she has Cranberry Bliss Bars), doing laundry, wrapping more presents, and preparing the family for tomorrow. We are off to Portland within about an hour of getting home tomorrow, so I should pack tonight.

This is about the same time last year I lost it, just feeling a little too pulled upon by too many people in too many directions. I'm trying to contain myself from losing it, but am starting to think that maybe that bath might be the "right" decision right now. It may not solve the short-term problems, but will probably be best for my long-term sanity!

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