Kaela provided the pictures, and I just had to start with a close-up of this pic of the flowers I've worked very hard to preserve this summer. No need to water them today.

From left to right: Kate, Kara, Me, Laurel, and Charlotte

The trampoline was a big draw, at least before the rain began:

A sample of the spread that we had. We asked folks to bring a side/dessert to share, so we ended up with a ton of leftovers.

John looking very fun, preparing the teriyaki chicken-

Cassie (who's down here for the weekend from Salem), Mikayla, and photographer-extraordinaire, Kaela

Once the rain began, it was NOT to be ignored, so we moved the table out and tried to usher as many people as we could under the canopy

The kiddos, with the prompting of Emily, decided to absorb the rainfall - and then come and give us all hugs. I wisely declined.

Eventually, the rain subsided long enough for s'more-making to happen.

Much of the crowd wisely chose to kick it indoors......

Cyrus, who just tore out his knee this week =(, and John
Don't turn your head now, Brad, Kaela is not going to stop until she beats you in Wii Tennis
Later in the afternoon, Emily (far right) taught Mikayla and Mallory the moves to Miley Cyrus' "Hoe Down Throw Down"

Checking out the pics of the day.......

New friends we just made today, Kristen and Mallory - and Becca (who brought cherry pie - from cherries she'd picked from the tree, and a lattice crust she'd made herself).

looks like a great time :) what was the final count?
I'm commenting on a few things because I had a lot to catch up on...
Great pic of you and Steph.
Can't believe it when you said "boys are just waking up"...they are so big! All alone at home!
Didn't see you at Harlow... :( Kids had a great time.
I think that's it. Oh the rainy bbq looked like a blast!
I know, Jodi - I saw your kids from a distance on one occasion - and yes, the boys, pretty crazy. Next week they are gone to Junior Camp for five nights - and then an immediate turn around to Sons of Thunder with John at Tadmor (Boys Round-Up). It's a good thing Brayden has a lot of clothes because there will be no opportunity for laundry in between.....! I'll be missing my boy, I've really been enjoying him lately!
I've read some fun books lately - need to find a time to pass them your way!
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