It just so happens that Brayden loved the first Transformers movie - as did I....but, it wasn't as big of a deal to John or Mikayla. So.......the ideal date scenario with Brayden was in the bag. We got our tickets with a ton of time to spare, cruised the mall a bit - and then were first in line to enter the theater. But, wouldn't you know it, "Mom" misplaced the tickets and we had a minor panic attack trying to find them. Brayden even ran willingly back to the other side of the mall to try to search for them (where we thought we might have left them when we purchased something), only for me to chase him down and call him back that I'd found them. Fortunately, the wonderful folks in the "waiting line" gave us back our spots - crisis averted. (And, Brayden earned a free-pass for the next time he misplaces something).
We both LOVED the movie. It was so fun to have him next to me, ready to hug and clutch during the intense parts of the movie (which was pretty much 80% of it). If you enjoyed the first one, I can't see why you wouldn't like this one. Brayden gave it a "50,000" as a rating between 1 and 10. =)
We finished the evening off with pie from Marie Calendars. It was good, but I was already stuffed and Brayden thought his marionberry pie didn't even compare to my cobbler.....Man, I love that kid. Tonight was probably one of my favorite nights ever with that guy........
Never to be outdone, John claimed just now that his date with Mikayla was one of his favorite nights ever with her as well....
The two of them started out at an outdoor table at Red Robin for dinner and followed that up with cozy S'mores inside Johnny Oceans. Finally, they found there way to the park to take these amazing pictures. They beat us home by about an hour - and Mikayla is already asleep..... I think you can tell by the pics that we have one VERY PROUD Daddy in our midst.

okay steph these images.. wow.. totally looks like a legit time between all of you! I hope I get to snag ya before you guys head off tomorrow but so far surf looks promising and I have a lesson... so more than likely i'll be already salty by the time your up. have a great weekend!!!!!
our boys are driving us crazy cuz we told them we needed to see transformers first. so if brayden gave it thumbs up...hmm!!!
okay, so WHO took those photos of dad's date. so professional and beautiful!
John took them himself - he used a timer.
And, Linda, for the record - there's definitely some language issues and sexual "references" in the movie. We've had enough talks with Brayden that it wasn't a big deal for us, but I wanted to give you a heads-up.....
chele said...
Do I not have the most beautiful niece in the world? Incredible pics - what a fun night for all of you!
I love it when people can spend special time together with their children! It sounds like everyone had a blast.
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