I robbed these pictures from "Super-Photographer" Kaela, who posted them on Facebook (as she faithfully does practically every event CCF participates in).
These first several show the efforts of Mikayla, Julie, and myself attempting "Slacklining". Actually, I should point out that Julie is a total pro, but Mikayla, and especially myself, are total novices. The hardest part of the whole thing is keeping the line from shaking as you walk..... Oh, and take special note who is in the background of this first picture - yup, Travis and Stephanie! I'm so glad they were willing to go with us and join in the fun.........!

Travis, Reid, Corey (the CCF Pastor) and John - Reid has been letting his hair grow out for about a year, so there's plenty of comments coming his way about looking homeless or like "Grizzly Adams". However, he's super lovable and crazy-funny, because that hair............ (apparently, the reason why is a mystery.....I wonder if I'd recognize him if was clean-cut!)

The "Stare-off".......

A sweet, tender moment between Travis and Brayden. They were spectators for the great "Mountain Dew/Snickers Bob" taking place in a bowl, placed inside a real toilet........ (Where do folks come up with these ideas!?) Apparently, while sitting there, Brayden was uber-hoping that folks would start chanting his name to give it a try (the crowd had already made an attempt to encourage Corey or John to partake - fat chance for either one!)

So, this picture shows Aaron, helping Brayden get into position to start bobbing..... (without the backstory, though, one would really have to wonder just what we allow our child to have to suffer through!) And, by the way, he was successful and had the crowd very much behind him.....

John, hanging with the girls.....too bad he's so shy =)

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