Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Status Updates

I gotta admit, folks, I'm not feeling very inspired. So feel free to quickly bypass this post if you are looking for inspiration. Instead, I think I'll just go with some bullet point updates.....

  • I got called to teach on Monday at 6:30. The time is significant because it means I only had about 45 minutes to change gears, get presentable, and set everything up for the kids. It meant that I felt like I was behind the "Eight Ball" all day long, which is unfortunate because it is a new school for me to be in (at least for this go-around of subbing, I used to be there quite a bit) - and obviously, brand new kids. The teacher I was subbing for was also running behind, so I only got the plans a few minutes before kids entered. It was 6th graders - and boy did they "push". I think I could have "nailed" the assignment if not for the "hurried" pace and a headache that just got worse and worse throughout the day. As it is, hopefully, I did ok enough to be asked back to the school...but it was taxing. By the time I got home, I detoured through the kitchen to snag two ice packs (one for my neck, another for my sinuses), a bowl to potentially throw up in, and sweet Mikayla took off my boots and cozied me up in a blanket. I stayed still in that position virtually all night.

  • It's no surprise that Tuesday had me waking up grumpy. Still a headache...but thankfully, no assignment - instead I headed out to see Mom. Not only did she remedy the headache but she worked on my tailbone and I think I'm good to go there too. (I was getting pretty whiny about my back end). THANK YOU MOM!

  • It's been gloriously sunny lately - which, when you are in a good mood makes you happy, but when you are hurting makes you feel that much sadder as "When will I ever feel good enough to enjoy this?". I swung from both ends of that spectrum yesterday.

  • I very nearly took a job to teach kindergarten today. Actually, I did take it, but it turned out that childcare for Mikayla was going to be an issue, so I ended up canceling it. Let me just say, "Thank you, Lord, for making that childcare an issue".....kindergarten might have been very gratifying, but I'm guessing it would have been quite the challenge. I desperately need a day to catch up and clean up....

  • Another night with our "Tuesday Night Ladies". I LOVE those ladies. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them... So much so, that I have to catch myself from being sad that by the end of this school year, half of them could end up in Portland and away from me. Take each day and be thankful, Steph.....

  • Which leads me to the final bullet point - if you haven't had a chance to click over to "Joanne's" blog lately- well, you might find yourself quite inspired if you do.... Today, they "re-posted" something she'd written a while ago, that was so great for me to read. But, even more inspiring (and miraculous) is some of the improvements Joanne is showing. Be prepared for goosebumps, it's pretty awesome.

1 comment:

kleephotos said...

love the new font!!!