Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Snow Poetry Project

As I am writing this, I am all dressed up waiting for John to come home to tell me if he likes or dislikes the outfit choice for Thursday night's "Company Dinner". The original blouse I had planned to wear just isn't working for me (it might have something to do with the comment/reply I made to Heather from the previous post) - so we'll have to see what John thinks of this. Feels funny though, literally all dressed up with no place to go.....

Given that this blog is a bit of a history/heritage thing, I thought it might be a good idea to post some pictures of Brayden's recent class project activity. The goal was to choose a theme and create a visual display with three poems about that theme. He had to memorize one, and use his own handwriting as well on one. I will put up pictures of the display, the poem he memorized (quite funny....and how I hooked Brayden into agreeing to choose "snow" as a theme), and the extra snowglobe he made to go with it. I think it all turned out pretty neat.....


Stephietoo said...

That poem is the funniest thing I have ever read! Good Job Brayden (and mommy.)

We will see you tonight, can't wait to see little Mary.

Love, stephie

HollieHobbie said...

cute, cute, cute, cute!!!!