Friday, March 15, 2013

Whitley's Play Date

On Thursday, I knew I'd be seeing the doctor in regards to the results of the sinus CAT scan.  Not knowing how long I'd be waiting and imagining Whitley would prefer other arrangements, I asked Christi if she'd be willing to watch Whitley during that time.  She, of course, said "Yes" - and then asked if she could bring little Madeline (18 months) over with her as she was watching the little girl (that she nannied for last summer) while their current nanny was on vacation.  

I had Mikayla help me pull our some Barbies and her bin of stuffed animals and Madeline walked in pretty impressed.  But, I think the big pull was the exersaucer that Whitley plays in. 

And, obviously, the Bumbo seat...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this picture of Whitley...priceless!  Christi snapped it as she was watching Madeline play with her toys.  I don't think she's a fan of sharing.  HOWEVER, with the news this week that Travis' sister, Kristen, is expecting a GIRL on Whitley's first birthday...I think Whitley will soon find these rolls reversed as she'll be the "Madeline" in the story line when little "Malia" will be the new baby.  It's good she's starting some practice already.

HUGE THANKS to Christi for hanging with the girls.  I ended up waiting in the waiting room for a full hour before being called back to have a 15 minute chat with my I'm so grateful that Whitley was happily entertained back home instead of being bored with me.

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