Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Odds and Ends

Alright, I'm reluctant to actually admit this, and John believes it's a bit of a lie-filled conspiracy, but Michele and I both think that the weeks that we've had half the kids - or in half day camps are more rewarding than this week that they're all gone. Something about feeling a little lost without them to boss around..... Hope this isn't indicative of what days will be like when they're out of the house.....

That being said, though - we're trying to make the best of it! =) Today we went to Applebees and then hit the Dollar Theater for "What Happens in Vegas" with Lisa. LOVED the movie!!! A great flick to hit with the girls or your date - there were lots of laugh out loud moments through the movie - and while it is not a kid movie, I didn't walk away cringing either.

Tomorrow, we'll hang at the pool - and then I think we'll head out for a long hike on Thursday, and a little Joe's and Costco shopping on Friday. I'm sure many of you are thinking we should be doing something far more exciting - feel free to share your ideas.....

I'm so happy to share that my buddy, Heather, has restarted her blog, and I am really enjoying it. She's providing a lot of opportunities for writing as well as "deep thoughts" - check it out, I think you'll enjoy it too. I especially loved the truth behind her "ebb and flow" post. For those of you that don't know - Heather and I (and Michele!) have been friends since meeting in middle school - it's only been in the last couple of years that we've caught up via the internet and what a joy. As much evil that can happen on the web, it's amazing how much victory is being won here as well - particularly through the bonding and prayers that happen as a result of blogging.

The kids are all having a blast at camp. Ironically, the boys' counselor-apprentice is none other than the son of Solace Girl. The kids love him. I just can't believe their stamina - you'd think they'd head straight for bed as soon as we come home - but no, they are out on their bikes and scooters and we're lucky to have them asleep by 9:30. (Currently, we are watching our summer favorite tv show - "Wipeout").

I think I'll close this out as I need to finish the novel I'm currently reading so I can savor the one that I've been waiting for, for over a year. It's the third and last installment of a three-book Christian suspense/thriller series.... Such a rough life I have.

1 comment:

Growin' with it said...

i am so excited to see "solace's" blog! yay!

man, sounds like you are enjoying a great week. soak it up girl!