On Friday night I had my worst game of bowling of all-time - to put it into perspective, Ellie and Mikayla beat me. Ouch. However, some chocolate chip mint ice cream topped with hot fudge and malt did much to ease my disappointment at the former Farrell's restaurant. It was a great evening with some of my most favorite people....... a fun way to pre-celebrate John's birthday.

On Saturday morning, Lisa, Michele and I set off for Black Butte to join 7 other women (8 including our lunch with Jodi). That's a lot of estrogen, but we had a great time. Highlights included watching all of the Cancun bound women (all but one other gal, Jodi, and our car load are headed to Cancun in 14 days) try on bikini swimsuits at a boutique in downtown - wow, that's brave..... I'm so glad I had no need whatsoever to step in that dressing room and bare my lilly white, cellulite laden body to a posse of women ready to give their opinions..... The other really special highlight for me was sitting in the Black butte couch filled lounge, watching the big-screen tv in which the Duck basketball game exhibited yet another thrilling win and simply relaxing..... there were yummy drinks, our dinner was brought to the couches, and a few of us indulged in desserts as well.
Thank you again Lisa S. for a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and relax in the beauty of Central Oregon with the blessings of incredible friends.
Well my comment certainly isn't as saucy as the one above... :)
I've gone around the table three times in my head when I was writing my blog and I count 10 of you. I think you are taking off the two that left Saturday? Or am I wayyy off.
marjie, kris, tina, amy, lisa, lisa, nancy, christy, michele, myself..... and you, 11 altogether at lunch.
I've been on pain medicine for a bit, combine that with the lack of sleep from last night, and my thinking abilities are a little shot....
loved seeing you jodes!
p.s. - that saucy comment got erased
awwww I wish I could've been there to oblige you guys with a bikini showing of my own!
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