Thursday, September 18, 2008

If You've Ever Felt Like a Bad Mom.....

Then, I suggest you go to this website:

I've really been enjoying this devotional site, although today's was a bit convicting about the tug-of-war women often play with their husbands regarding cleaning their husband's personal space. Hmmm, I remember quite a little argument on this end regarding a certain Starbucks Barista machine brought home from Mens' Round-Up that sat in a bin in our kitchen for several days because I didn't feel like it was my job to clean it up. Yeah, today's post pretty much hit home.

As did the other post that I linked you to. Somehow there's a bit of truth in "misery loves company" and knowing we all fail and yet we get fresh, new chances every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*IF* I've ever felt like a bad mom? (hysterical laughter)

That was a great devotional. I'll have to link to that site and check it out more often.

Thanks for sharing!