Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Kudos to American Idol

There's a lot that has been said about American Idol - the whole Sanjaya thing, pictures on the internet - but I'm going to put my vote in and say, I LIKE THIS SHOW..... Here's a few reasons why-

1. Tonight - good grief, watching Josh Grobin sing with the "African Children's Choir" - "You Raise Me Up" in an effort to earn money for those less fortunate - pretty amazing. It pulls at my heartstrings even more as I visited one of the homes for the "African Children's Choir" while in Africa. I watched them practice, interacted with them (and ultimately one of their blonde and beautiful directors was the final straw to breaking off the relationship completely with Lance.....PTL) Of course, it can be said that there is so much that could be done for other charities, or on an ongoing basis, but I think for the sake of balancing a show in which people demand to be entertained with a positive fundraising effort - I've been really impressed with the job that they've done.

2. It's not just the beautiful perfect people who succeed in this show. If you look at the contestants right now, yes, they look good, but they aren't all size 2. They aren't all "white". They don't even all have hair! Even among the winners - quite a diversity.

3. The winners have been positive. I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions, but I look at Carrie Underwood and think, "America did good with her" - It's been fun to watch with the kids (we get the shows East coast time so are able to watch them early) - particularly last year, every time Taylor sang, we'd dance with them. Not too many shows you can say that to.

This year, I'm rooting for Melinda, it's hard not to want someone so seemingly genuine, absolutely sweet, and incredibly talented to be this year's American Idol......


beRecruited said...
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StephieAnne said...

Wouldn't you know it, I put this post up, and because Sanjaya's name is in it, I get an automatic, "vote for Sanjaya" comment..... that's the one that I erased....