Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Fall"ing Back Into the Groove

I had certain expectations for what I thought this fall would look like. How the "groove" would be set - how our family would adjust to some of the "newness" happening in our life. So far, Mikayla's experience has been an easy transition. Her teacher is nice, she misses having Kenady in her class, but they still have plenty of playdates, and she's enjoying soccer. I worry so little about this year in regards to Mikayla....hopefully I won't regret saying that.

As for Brayden, well, he's doing it. Middle school is happening and he's a part of it. I feel better after having met the teachers at curriculum night and hearing about their plans for the year. It's a hard thing letting go of so much control of Brayden's school experience, not knowing for sure if he's bringing everything home, etc. But, it's also a good thing. It's teaching me to trust him, and it's making Brayden grow and be challenged. So far, so good. As for football, at last Tuesday's game he played for much of the game in offense. So proud of him....

And, as for me (I'm not addressing John as his schedule doesn't change much when the school year begins...) - well, I've found myself just waiting for "purpose" to happen. In an effort to contribute to the family financially (hoping to help cover all of those Christmas and other "extras") - I was really hoping to begin subbing a few days a week. I also applied to be a building sub at a Christian K-8 private school across town. No word back from them, and not one job offer to sub....until today. My first "day back" is tomorrow - with 5th graders! What a perfect age group to kick it off with, and at a really neat school too. I'm nervous, but excited, it feels good to be contributing.

This sub offer came on the perfect day too, as I spent four hours doing the other thing I was wanting to see happen this fall - hanging out with college women. Today, I got to be with this gal:
(this was taken at last spring's Trinity Formal)

This is Katy - and I think she is just amazing. As usual, I did more silly rambling than I needed to with her, but by the end, she asked if we could make meeting happen on a consistent basis - asking if I'd be her "mentor". Oh, man, it makes me so happy (and humbled) to feel "wanted" in that way. Last night was the first kick-off of CCF, and John had a similar experience being asked to be a mentor with a guy that our family just treasures - and it had him feeling the same way. So, praise the Lord that I get to hang out with her more often....and hopefully some other great women here and there too.

So, welcome "fall".....the house has been prepared for it for a couple of weeks, the weather is here, the football games are here, and finally, it seems like the "groove" is happening for our family.


j.nelson said...

oh mentor how you love that word!

Jen and Bern said...

I love reading your posts... sounds like you are an amazing mentor and for a good reason!

julie fulton said...

Oh 5th grade! How fun! So glad to hear that you are subbing. Also, Thank you so much for putting Kaela into our lives. She has been an answer to our prayers (although you might want to pray for her to make it through with us!!!) I will be thinking about you in 5th grade today!