Friday, November 17, 2006

I Don't Want to Sterotype, But...

I know lots of people that do not fit the classic male/female gender roles. I'm not talking sexual preferences or anything, simply those stereotypes of what men or women are "usually like". For instance, the man who prefers "cuddling" (vs. the woman) or the woman who avoids communicating (vs. the man). John and I defy a few of the stereotypes, but, by and large, we fit the model pretty close and have gotten a kick out of watching Gary Smalley on videos and how well he can pinpoint the way men or women think. (On a total rabbit trail, one of my favorite lessons from that series involved Gary explaining to the man how to get a woman involved in sports - describe the players and their personal lives.... A woman (generally) will be much more apt to enjoy a sporting event - or at least tolerate it - if she becomes emotionally involved in the lives of the players - it's not just #42 running down the field to score a touchdown, it's the guy who grew up on the wrong side of town, talks to his mama everyday and just had twins with his new wife..... that, according to Gary Smalley, is what draws a woman in..... And, in my own life, I've found that to be true - funny, eh?)

So, on to the real motivating force for this post. Not to generalize, but, for the most part, women are better "finders" than men. I'm not talking about a real "hunt" being called for, that would involve a whole male instinctual conquering thing and that's not where I'm going. I'm talking about the lack of vision a male has when trying to find the bread in the freezer, or the crackers in the pantry. I have to believe that many of you women reading this are nodding your heads - I can't think it's just a coincidence that both my dad and John have the same chronic deficiency, oh, did I mention Brayden having it too? Yes, that's the point of this post. Once again, I'm finding my children exhibiting one more tendency that shows that each is becoming more and more like their like-gendered parent. Brayden can barely find the nose on his face, and yet, Mikayla can not only tell you the location of virtually every item she's come in contact, but, (and here's the clencher), is willing to look and, 99% successful in finding, an item that is seemingly invisible to her brother. Sadly, I think she's helping to enable him.., but, then again, I don't want to have his future wife not have that satisfaction of being such a huge help-mate to her spouse! Because, of course, satisfaction is always at the top of my list of feelings anytime I hear, "Honey, are you sure we have _________, cuz I just don't see it anywhere?" Hmmm, I don't think so.....


HollieHobbie said...

hahaha!!! Soooo true! I have actually on occasion verbalized a "mental map" for Pete just to get the "bread out of the freezer" faster.
Another this I do: Because I found myself repeating questions alot after Pete would say "huh" then as I began the question again, he'd answer it, like he needed the extra time to process, so anyways, after his "huh?" I wait a few seconds and bingo, he answers! Just needs the extra time to process.

StephieAnne said...

Good advice! As an additonal P.S., Brayden woke me up this morning (yes, the only morning where I didn't need an alarm clock) to ask if I knew where his Star Wars video game was..... Oh brother!!!

HollieHobbie said...

haha! Oh and I forgot to mention that Smalley is so right! I would be so much more inclined to watch football if I thought I knew the players personally.

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