This is where I spent last Friday through Thursday from 8-4:00. (Along with several other days already this year). I didn't feel like it was appropriate or ethical to take pictures with the kids actually in their seats, but trust me that each one of those name tags represents a very special kid that I've already come to adore and look forward to seeing again soon.
We had a lot of fun last week. We did manage to get through almost all of the "required" lesson plans, along with throwing plenty of stories into the mix, along with a whole lot of "outside the box" puzzles and logic questions.
On top of all of that, this class won the coveted "Cougar Paw" award given to one of the classes representing the older grades (3rd, 4th, or 5th). So they were in competition with about 8 or so other classes. Apparently, it's a situation where any other staff members watch and nominate - particularly "specialty" teachers such as music, art, or library. Not only did these kids win, but they won by a landslide. As I told them (in a laughing spirit), either they are JUST AMAZING or I am, because to have that happen when a sub is around (not to mention a sub who sometimes gets them even more riled up....hey, my last name is "Ril-ey"....riling up is my specialty!!!) is unheard of. We all agreed it was because of both. =) Honestly, it does seem kind of like a stacked class as they are almost all so good-natured, so positive, so eager to learn...and smart, and interactive, and friendly.
The experience was ended with p.e. being the final activity of the week. When the gym where we planned to do a set activity was being used for the Harvest Carnival, I gave them time to play outside. One boy started throwing a football and I had him pass to me. Pretty soon, a couple more kids were joining us. Then it turned into a two-hand-touch game in the field - with eventually about half the class participating. I had to laugh when the BOYS were hanging on me begging to be part of "my" team (as I told them, "you do realize I'm a handicap and not an asset!") It was was, practically the whole week.
It taxed our family tremendously though, so it made me appreciate all those who do this every day with out a break. For the rest of 2011, I will probably only take positions with this class as I did "put in my days" already as needed. For our family, for right now, Mom is still kind of needed a bit more around the house. (Especially when a party and houseguests are on their way!).
So, yes, it's official - this is the best class I've ever subbed for....and I'll be there for them whenever and as long as needed - I care about them that much!
Hey Steph! So glad you have found a great class to sub for. I'm hoping I have the same luck. It looks like that will be my best option for the next couple of months. I have two weeks of student teaching left, and substitute teaching seems to be the only position available to me at this time. I did interview for a position that was available a few weeks ago, and did every thing but sign on the dotted line, however the BOEd wouldn't allow it, although the principal was pushing for it. There were 5 other "certified" teachers interviewing, also. Our attempt was to do a provisional teachers license for a month or to until my certification came in. I was DEVASTATED! I'm honestly not even sure if I've recovered fully...such a left down.'s so refreshing to read your stories. I hope you have a great week and I'm excited to hear about your upcoming party. You always do such a great job PLEASE post some pics!:)
super cool!
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