Here are some very poor pictures taken from John's camera phone at Mikayla's pre-school Spring Concert. My friend and I were bummed that we didn't have our cameras as we watched our two girls sing their little hearts out. As their teacher said, "Who knew there was a second verse to Itsy Bitsy Spider - and that he actually reaches the spout?" Well, he does. It's so crazy watching Mikayla perform in contrast to Brayden when he was in pre-school. Brayden was the unfocussed fidgeter, more concerned with having fun than singing - Mikayla is the prim and proper, glued to her position on the stage singer, taking it oh so seriously. We've delighted watching her turn into the "Mother Hen" seeking to take care of everyone and make sure everyone is in their right place....
On a side note, haven't the last two days been glorious in this neck of the woods? Oh, how I love the sunshine!
Those spring concerts are wonderful memories to put into your heart, especially as children get older. I have flashbacks of J at his activities. (sigh) Where does the time go? The sunshine has been like a salve. We've been stopping our activies inside to go and soak up the rays outside.
Yes, Mikayla was the picture of what you would want for your child...standing still, smiling, looking beautiful, singing and participating. Who was that crazy girl next to her lifting up her dress, jumping off the bleachers and running around? Someone should have a serious talk with her parents. Oh the shame.
Okay, wait a minute Literary Girl - why the judgmental attitude? Just because your son was perfect doesn't mean you should attack the mom of that little girl who was, shall we say, a little squirrelly? And BTW - Mikayla actually sang only about half the time, she was too busy keeping track of where that little girl went to.....
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