Sunday, September 07, 2014

Back in the Saddle

Or, in my specific case, I should say, back in the "office chair".  Which is my attempt to give an excuse as to why it's been over a month since a "real blog post".  It took me until today to figure out this set-up.  That would allow me to sit in a ergonomically-appropriate position while still where the "cozy" is and use my computer.  Because, over the last month, I've determined one of the number one factors as to why I will get a headache has everything to do with sitting in the couch hunched over a computer or a Kindle.  I've already figured out the Kindle positioning (it gets to sit at the top of the couch), but the computer hurts me every time.  (Which is why Michele complains that it seems she brings the, Michele brings the "down time" that I use to relax and catch up on computer stuff or reading - and that couch posture kills me).  

So, now that I've got the "set-up" in place, let's see if I can catch up on the DOZEN OR SO blog posts that I'm so far behind on me.  UGH!  Overwhelming.  So, I think I'll go backwards in succession of updates - if you are interested in the happenings of late August - hang in there, I'll get to them!

And, for the record, the headaches have improved.  (Yesterday, not withstanding....again, a Friday night hanging out with Michele - doing a little too much hunching over....dumb, dumb, dumb!).  I saw Mom the day after the boat trip with the girls - and she put me back together.  AND - consequently, I was given hope again.  The stretches can help a ton with posture and reminding those muscles where they are supposed to go, but when you screw up and put yourself out of alignment, a series of stretches can't fix it.  Such a complexity involving a lot of facets to really get better.  I get to see Mom again tomorrow - and I am just so thankful that she is my most important facet.  =)

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