Thursday, August 04, 2011

Braces Off!

With all of the excitement (and let's face it, PAIN) that was the beginning of last week, I forgot to put up a post about Mikayla getting her braces off! She actually got to get them off a week early, as an opening happened with the orthodontist's schedule. She was so excited!

So, here's the picture taken before we went:

And the picture taken by the orthodontist when we were about to leave:

Of course, all of the posts I've put up in the last week have shown her without braces so you may have already noticed. Personally, I love it - but it ages her. All of a sudden, she's starting to look more pre-teen and less little girl.....sigh......

More than likely, she and Brayden both will experience a "Phase 2" of braces. Both of them required a "set one" to be put on just to move baby teeth around so they would accommodate the adult teeth needing to come in - but, hey, we can always hope for the best that it wouldn't be necessary!

When Mikayla was only two, she chipped two of her front teeth, which eventually resulted in them being "capped". The job that was done was less than perfect, as it made her teeth appear very greyish-blue. I was "vainly" sad about that, as she had such a great smile. So, nearly 8 years later - after eventually losing those teeth and having a mouthful of metal - we are finally able to see her teeth only accent her beautiful smile - FINALLY! Yippee Mikayla!


Rejoice Always said...

She looks older!!

StephieAnne said...

I know Heather! How can I stop the madness of her growing up? Big sigh.....

Carrie Hopkins said...

What a great smile she has! Our orthodontist told my son Spencer that due to some factors beyond Spencer's control,he'd had to wear braces longer than any other child the orthodontist had seen--5 years, can you imagine that? =) Poor guy. We had a party for him when the big day finally arrived. We just finished paying for our fifth son in braces. My six year old daughter Lexi is hoping to skip them entirely. I'm not holding my breath. I've enjoyed your blog!

StephieAnne said...


I've been trying for about 30 minutes to post a comment on your blog - it keeps erasing it every time I try to sign in, even though I'm already signed in....ugh, it must be because I'm on John's computer.

So, here's what I tried to put on your blog - hopefully you come back to visit to see it!

"What a bummer, I just left a nice long comment for you and it "didn't stick" - lost in cyberspace.

I love the apple star story. I've never heard that, my daughter in particular will get a kick out of it.

What a BEAUTIFUL family you have - it must be such an interesting dynamic to be a mom to a pre-teen, try not to "over mom" a married son, and take on the role of new grandma all under the same roof. =)

Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm very honored! I hope you and your family all have a wonderful weekend!


StephieAnne said...

Oops Carrie, just now realized your daughter is only 6, not even close to pre-teen!!!