John was able to get off work a little early on Friday in order to be the one to pick our boys up from their week at Camp Harlow. Pick-up was supposed to be at 3:00 and given John didn't return from the camp (which is only 5 minutes from our house) until 4:15, I'd say he enjoyed himself being out there. We all love Harlow, but given John spent a summer out there as "Program Director", his sentiment is even more passionate.
And, from everything we've seen so far, it appears that Brayden is walking right in John's footsteps.
Shown here is Brayden and Traig with their counselors for the week, "Four Eyes" and "Crumb". While "Four Eyes" appears to be rather stoic, he's a very fun guy - as reported by both the boys this year and Mikayla from having him as a counselor in a previous year. As for "Crumb", he and Brayden bonded right after meeting, in fact, even before we left from dropping him off on Sunday, Brayden had informed "Crumb" that he already knew his real name as he saw it dangling off of his keychain.....He promised to keep it top secret. =)
When John returned with the boys, he said he was literally floating on "Cloud 9". He told me that it overwhelmed him the amount of attention that the counselors showered onto Brayden, proclaiming their affection for him. I guess he had his "Charm Game" turned up to its highest notch this week - but, moreover, as we've said so many times before - we truly believe this is where Brayden shines.
Brayden and Traig both told us that this was the best week they've had at Harlow thus far. Being the typical boys that they are, it was hard to get a lot of details from them, but between what Michele has gotten from Traig, snippets John got from their counselors, and the DVD of the week, it sure looked like a blast. One more year of mid-school camp for them next year....
Next year, Brayden will be old enough to not only help out during the spring break camps, but also old enough to qualify to be a Counselor's Apprentice during the 3 sessions of Day Camp held each summer. Brayden informed us that he wants to be at all of them, if possible - serving as "Phineas". HE CAN'T WAIT! And, neither can I - this might be one of the very few "exceptions" to the growing older aspect I'm okay with....
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