This is Heidi with Brayden - while Heidi was Mikayla's counselor this last week, she and Brayden had actually met and hit it off prior when he was at mid-school camp. They are belting out a song at the top of their lungs here.
Here he's wearing her glasses. He actually kicked the day off by wakeboarding first - cracking us up as he sang along and did hand motions while boarding to Jennifer Lopez's "On the Floor"
And, of course, with all of the gals around, Mikayla was never at a loss for attention.
This was our longest consecutive stretch of time on the water. We got on the lake at 10:30am and didn't pull off until 6pm - and that was only because we'd used up the entire tank of gas!
Mikayla's two counselors: Cassie and Heidi - how lucky is Mikayla that she not only got to spend the weekend with them, but then had them aboard our boat two days later!
Starting up - three gals who'd never gone wakeboarding. Kimmie, Cassie and Lauren. And yes, they all got up!
With all of her experiences skateboarding, longboarding, and snowboarding, Kimmie was a natural on the water too. She got right up and was cutting across the wake in no time.
Cassie struggled a bit with balance, but based on this picture, you could see how tenacious she was!
Lauren was also determined - she kept at it until she was successful - and she was!
Heidi had boarded before, and it was obvious - she looked great, and so happy!
In between Lauren and Heidi's turn, I hopped in the water to "take a break" =) and figured once I was in, I might as well put the board on to take a quick trip. I didn't want to steal anyone's time, so we kept it short.
Becky had also previously boarded - and even though for both her and Heidi, it had been since mid-school, they both proved that once you figure it out, it's like riding a bike when you get the chance again.
Jacob was next - his family used to have a boat so he was a natural, but he'd never attempted jumps, so it was super impressive watching him catch air!
And, as for Walt - that guy is "Superman" on the water - and oh so happy no matter what he's doing.
Kimmie and Jacob are passing the time by doing the hand motions and singing along with "Life Is Good, Eternal Life Is Better"
The oh-so-patient and persistent driver - determined to not let anyone "fail" on our boat!
After Walt, we put the board away for a while and took out the tube. Everyone had fun - though I know Lauren got more than she bargained for when she went out with Walt. And, let me tell you, when Walt and Jacob were out there together, all bets were off - those guys were CRAZY! (But, thankfully - no injuries - praise God!)
As always, our day on the lake ended with a stop off at Dairy Queen. It's not common here in Oregon that you'll see it nearly 90 degrees at 7pm. (Which made it a perfect day for the lake). It also made for a popular time to visit DQ - therefore we ended up eating out on the boat in the parking lot - perfect!!

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