Nati and Brayden, especially, spent almost the entire day yesterday playing board games at the kitchen table. First, John taught him and Nati the art of buying properties in (Christmas) Monopoly. They then moved to the "Splash Mountain" version of Sorry. And, finally, they were able to coerce Stephie into going to Walmart to purchase the basic version of "Life" for them - and consequently having her help them put it together and teach them how to play it.
It was one of those days you just loved for the kids' sakes.
Meanwhile, Traig spent a majority of his time with the Wii - playing "Resort Sports" - which included tandem bicycle riding, basketball, fencing, wakeboarding, and airplane flying. Once the Whites arrived with Travis more than eager to participate, Traig's day improved tremendously.
I don't have a picture of the two youngest: Mikayla and Ellie. They played with nearly every toy set (Groovy Girl dolls, Littlest Pet Shop, Barbies, Playmobil) in Mikayla's room. Towards the end of the day, they pretended Mikayla's bed was an airplane and used my computer as their "in-flight" movie.
An all-around super relaxed day. I sorted outfits for the upcoming "big events" of the week and started my attack on Sunriver packing. John was able to finally put together the framed pictures to go above Mikayla's bed so we can now say her room renovation is complete. Well-done honey, they look fantastic!
now that is my kind of day!!
Life was, and still is, one of our families favorite games to play.
We are a HUGE game fact we all have a date to sit down tonight and play settlers of catan!!
Love it!
I know you guys love board games - in fact, I thought of you as Brayden went through them all!
Your Christmas present idea of letting the kids really experience "the gift of giving" is amazing. Well done!
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