That was my Facebook status about 45 minutes ago. Perhaps a little backstory is due.
First of all, the Christmas spirit has returned around here. I kind of hit rock-bottom on Wednesday night. There were tears. A couple of discussions with John. A couple of explanation discussions about what was really meant from what was said. And an ending to the story that had John and I more emotionally connected than we've been in a while - and my son saying, "You may be a lot of things, Mommy, but you'll never be a 'failure'" (He'd overheard me feeling sorry for myself with John). That little guy is going to make a great husband someday!
Okay, as for today. It's been a good one. The pace slowed down considerably as of Thursday - Lisa and I were able to see "Couples Retreat" (I thought it was quite funny - and had a surprisingly good message) at the Dollar Theater - so glad we made the time for our girlfriend date. Today, I hit Brayden's classroom, ran a few more shopping errands, and headed home to reluctantly clean house. Around 1:15, there was a knock on the door, and lo and behold there stood Will and Aaron, two of our favorite guys from the UO. They were holding a take and bake pizza, and wanted to know if they could use our oven to bake it.
Long story short, it's 8:55, and the guys are still here. So are the Whites - Will and Aaron crashed our PF Chang's date with them. In between then and now, Will and Aaron swept and mopped my floors (while I went to pick the kids up from school), lots of Sunriver treats were made and safely stored in the freezer, Brayden's topped his high score in Wii wakeboarding, and Mikayla's been put on a "Will time-out" as he is such a fun "jungle gym" she struggles giving him his space. (To her benefit, he does have quite the knack at "starting it"!).
What a great end to a great day - forget using the "college students" as my excuse for a bad attitude - as today they are quite the remedy instead.

Sometimes that little piece of joy comes from the places we least expect!
What a fun day!!!
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