Just as I was sitting down to describe what I gathered happened last night while we were gone, I noticed when I logged on that Julie's blog had been updated to describe the same thing. So, as she doesn't even know I'm doing this, I guess I'm stealing - but I think she'll forgive me. Afterall, she's much more qualified to chronicle the activities of the night than I am. All I need to add to the post is:

A week or so ago Steph had asked if I would watch the kids while her and John went to Camp Harlow Auction. Of course I was more than stoked to help out and Steph suggested if I wanted to bring someone that would be totally kosher. Will and I plotted out the night with the kids and had a fun time getting craft supplies. We originally had other plans but soon realized the realistic side of only having them for four hour or so. Will had a great idea to make things for John and Steph and to my surprise a very creative plan. John, Steph, Trav, an Steph left for the auction leaving us with the kids. Literally the second they walked out the door we started our adventure. Unfortunately it started with Brayden and I being goofy and knocking off the lamb to the nativity set.. Will had to assure me it would be okay, I felt so freakin bad! The four of us set up the camera and put it on timer. It was a blast, the kids were so into it. We all wore matching outfits, jeans, flannels and white t shirts. It was hilarious - the kids would run to random areas of the house and as the beeping to the camera got faster they would bolt into the frame. They even had ideas of how we should pose and what faces we should make, too cute!

As I started uploading the images, Will started craft time. We had gotten fun things to make frames with and I was nervous Brayden wouldn't be to "into it", but I think since Will was - so was he. I had such a blast being crafty with the kids - they were being so cute. They would stick the adhesive material to your back, your arm, anything they thought fitting would hurt. Brayden even did Will's hair in a new mohawk do and Mikayla put my hair in a wonderful braid/pony/bun. We snatched up the kids and headed off to pick up the images and take them to Costco for some dinner - they wanted pizza! We got to Costco and it was closed, plan B! Back to the house, off to Walmart, and plotting dinner. Walmart was an adventure in itself - playing our own version of PacMan through the isle with the kids on our backs. We got home and as the boys made dinner us girls cut out the pictures for the frames. Brayden really wanted to make a side dish as Will made the main course. Will was making french toast and Brayden was so stoked to make us a bowl of cereal. He made sure we all had our favorite choice and had it ready with just the right amount of milk. The four of us ate a great dinner, melted onto the bean bags and relaxed. It was such a great night! These kids are too great and too much fun. They were crazy on point with manners and barely even bugged at each other. All in all last night = an amazing time with the kidlets.
your only allowed to steal it if you put our picture of the frames up... in evidence that yes we actually did do things with the kids.. :)
my kids had a few babysitters as great as these when they were young! Does a mom's heart good to know they are having fun while we are gone!!!
What an amazing thing for these 2 to do. Are they available for next Saturday?
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