(that would be a roaring fire, Yankee candle, Russian Tea and a good Christmas book....ahhhh!)

It was a nice break for me - got a chance to hit some grocery stores in peace, and drive around feeling "pretty merry". But, I'll be very bummed if we see none of that predicted "dire weather". Too often it never drifts south enough to reach us, but I'm hopeful. The timing of this whole event is a lot of fun for me - so very special for the kids, and my living vicariously through their excitement.
I want to add a little post script. I received an email and phone call from Brayden's teacher who has been giving his situation a lot of thought. She's really going the extra mile for him in terms of coming up with a new strategy regarding where he sits, what he keeps in his desk, and checking in with her often as he completes his assignments. I'm very thankful she's so willing - I think after I review the books I receive over winter break, I'll be much more armed with helpful ideas too.
=) Challenge, Day Seventeen: I got to do the "Pay It Forward" at the Dutch Brothers (I went by there to get my mom some coffee on my way out to see her) - by buying a drink for the person behind me.
Boo hoo hoo! The rain is currently washing our snow away. Our only chance is hitting the freezing mark before tomorrow morning making it too "treacherous" to drive anywhere.
I admit to massive highs and lows dependent on the weather forecast - I really need to grow up....
heard the rain most last night and wanted to pull the covers up higher and boo hoo too! bummer. so crossing my fingers like you for the weekend!
that sunset in the first pic is beeeeautiful!
Actually, it was the sunrise.... =)
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