Ellie showing Stephie her "prize"-

This is a picture of Traig working his remote control "Giant Bug" that shoots nerf-like missiles. Travis is trying to shoot the bug with his manual Nerf Gun while avoiding getting shot. As I type this, I'm constantly ducking my head from one or both of the two "Air Hog" helicopters buzzing around this living room, coming dangerously too close to my head. I will readily admit at this moment that I'm losing patience with this activity and ready for Traig's battery to die....

The details of why these two are laughing needs to be kept secret for the sake of the rating of this blog (it had to do with a gift in John's stocking), but it was a very fun interchange to watch and capture pictures of....

And, finally, a few of the dogs - Bogey is around somewhere, though not photographed. Travis and Stephie purchased a "Sydney-sized" bone, and she was very pleased with it.

And, a couple more of the new addition-

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