Perhaps my lack of total disappointment comes from knowing it's supposed to snow 1-3 inches tonite and another 5-8 tomorrow - or maybe because I went through such turmoil over the snow that came (or not) into our own hometown, that I'm less stressed now.
So, today, it is a day full of football, Nintendo DS, Polly Pockets, X-Box, and, of course, eating.... Oh yeah, and devouring the books that we brought along. Life could be a lot worse....
Even the dogs are getting a little restless.... (and yes, this is them playing - Syd and Bogey are best friends....)

This is me with the kids gathered around playing "Bolt" on the PS2. It's a very fun game, every Sunriver trip I try to strategize to have one really cool game to play, the last couple of years have been duds. (It's hard to compete with the Scooby Doo games of days past). The hardest part is having the kids keep their mouths shut as I try to figure out how to play it on my own....I'm a little stubborn about being told how to do things....

Ah, the Air Hog helicopter pics.... the green one in the center is John's helicopter (bought here in Bend after seeing how much fun Traig's was)....

The orange blur in the top left corner is Traig's....

Travis, with the date pinwheels his sweet Mommy sent the batter to make....

Mikayla with her DS:

And, finally, Stephie trying to protect her "brave beagle" who is scared of the buzzing of the helicpoters, as he thinks they are houseflies which he has quite a fear of.....

Looks like a great time!! I can see why you were so excited about it.
I love seeing your Christmas pictures especially because I know it is your "most favorite time of the year"! and how much work you put into it. Thanks for sharing.
Am I mistaken though..... have you gone to Sunriver on the 18th in the past? Seriously, on that day I have thought about you being finished with all the Christmas details and then enjoying yourself in Sunriver.
Have fun and Merry Christmas! XOXO
I don't know what Sunriver is, but it looks like you're having a great time!
Hollie, yes, we have always done this trip before Christmas in the past, but we found that there was too much of a let down upon returning, which made Christmas Day not nearly the celebration it should have been. Not to mention the difficulty in coordinating days off for work and with school calendars.
I am absolutely sold-out now that this is the new way to go. It just extends the festivities that much longer and takes some of the pressures off. However, had we gone last week we would have seen much colder temps and much more snow. It did snow last night again, but I think it's turned back to rain again....grrrr!
sunriver? what? man you are smart, fun and adventurous people! say hi to our neighbors too?! that picture of sydney cracked me up. soooo not the sydney i've seen!
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