Wait, was that me, the classic "I'm blue after Christmas...." person expressing that I'm having a happy day on New Year's Eve day? I don't even see sunshine outside (although drive about a mile and the sky is crystal blue) and, while the Ducks are looking strong and alive at the Sun Bowl, we are currently tied...... yet, still - it's a happy day. It's a good feeling.
Part of what is contributing to this is that my house is clean - thanks in huge part to Lisa who came over and gave it some much needed TLC this weekend - WHAT A FRIEND! The Christmas decor will be up until after the Rileys have their family get together this weekend, so I don't have to feel the pressure to take everything down. And, finally, as the pictures show, I'm finally getting to creating my "Daytimer" calendar for the year.
This is and has always been a VERY big deal for me. I see the year ahead in my brain in the form of a calendar - I'm EXTREMELY seasonal (I currently have Nicole Nordemann's "Every Season" as my ring tone - I thought it was appropriate), and tackle the sad endings of very-fun-times by planning ahead for when the next will occur. So, the calendar that I have to write on is huge - and needs to be colorful and fun. For the past couple of years, I've decorated them with the etching "stickers" vs. the real stickers used in the past. It takes a while, but it's a fun project, and helps me (YEAH - TOUCHDOWN DUCKS!!!!! 72 YARD RUN - AND, OMG - NO FLAGS!!!) really get a good grasp of the year ahead.
So, here are some pics of how I am spending my last day of 2007. It seemed quite fitting.....
Got to follow up that post with a big standing ovation for our once-again-Mighty-Ducks - Way to finish strong guys - very impressive, and appropriately fitting as I look forward to next year!
I am also a calendar girl - I start getting excited in October or so, to go shopping for a wall calendar, planner, etc. It's hard to make up my mind...I am on my 2nd wall calendar already and still not happy. I think I'm going back to the calendar from flylady.net that's so big, and has the cool stickers for cleaning those zones (which, ahem, I never do, but hope springs eternal...).
Your calendar looks super cute and fun!
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