We decided a couple years ago, that things are much less stressful if we plan to eat prior to opening presents. Otherwise, there's just too many interruptions to take care of the food prep as well as tension to hurry the kids along. This year, we decided to try Prime Rib. Not sure if we'll be doing that again. It was tasty enough, but not very many folks ate it, and it was a bear to get "done". Scrumptious food, though-

Finally, present opening got underway. Either Mom and Dad have to expand on their living room, or we have to be very precise as to where to place presents so that everyone has a spot opening them. As embarrassing as it is to admit, Michele even drew a map after the event so next year we'll all know where to sit and place the bow boxes, etc...... Yes, this is a family that does Christmas big-time.
A few highlights were the presents that were saved last for each of the kids - that they had hoped for most. Brayden's was actually his coveted "Pokemon Revolution" game, but Santa tried to fool him by putting in a very big box and put a box of Cascade in with it to make it even heavier. I had to give him credit for being thankful and a good sport when he thought he had a received a box of ornamental lawn reindeer. Traig was ecstatic about his final Legos set, and the girls with their "Grow Up Puppies" were adorable to behold. Finally, it was a joy to John and I watch Michele and Michael's gift of a romantic adventure away to the coast, with horseback riding and an indoor hot-tub hotel room.
We are so blessed to have such a great family that makes Christmas not only memorable, but a whole lot of fun.....

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