So, once everyone was up, we opened stockings and had the kids all gather around one present in particular addressed to The Riley Family. Way back in September, on a random trip to Toys R Us, there was a sign posted, "We Have Wiis in Stock". Not thinking much of it, I happened to check out in the electronics dept. and asked the cashier if it would be a good idea to purchase one now, if we indeed wanted to purchase one for a Christmas gift. With an abundance of enthusiasm, she quickly talked me into it, guaranteeing my feeling of good fortune in walking into the store on just the day they just happened to have a truck unexpectedly bring extra stock in. Alright, I wasn't ready to begin my shopping quite that early, but I figured I'd feel better if I had it safely purchased and safe in my garage. Boy, was that an understatement.
Currently, Brayden and Mikayla are singing "The Start of Something New" with the mike for the High School Musical game on the Wii - priceless. I will say, if you are debating on whether or not to have a gaming unit in your home, this might what you would want to consider. Simply by buying the unit, it comes with "Sports" and your family can bowl together, play tennis, pitch and swing in baseball, etc. The experience is so non-intense, and simply a kick - there's nothing like standing on the couch trying to return a tennis serve....
Needless to say, the opening of the present brought a lot of smiles - they weren't expecting it. And, since Santa wasn't a part of the experience here in Sunriver, it was fun to have the kids pour out their adoration onto everywhere surprising them with such treasures. Certainly, a time when I'm glad John was happy to be clicking away on his new camera....

fun, fun, fun! Keep posting!
Thanks Hollie - If it weren't for someday putting this in a family history book, I'd feel a little silly putting up all of these little indulgent details of our life. So, I'm glad at least one other person enjoys looking over the posts this week.....
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