It's currently not hard to keep track of Brayden. THANK GOD - that kiddo loves us, and wants so much still to just have an environment of play here around the house. Sometimes I wonder if John and I were even more playful, if he'd ever move out. However, Brayden keeping track of HIS stuff? UGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! That's the problem, especially this time of year when the end of school (responsibility) is in sight.
"Brayden, why is that you have the second hole in a week in two different sweatshirts?"
"Brayden, did you LOOK for your Underarmor that you tell us someone stole at the pool?"
"Brayden, as you are now admitting you never really looked, can you call Kimmie to see if she sees it as she is probably still at the pool?"
"Brayden, for the 4th time, plug in your phone, we don't spend the money for it to sit at home, dead!"
"Brayden, FIND your phone charger!"
"Brayden (who's currently playing the harmonica to Sydney) - have you found your charger?"
Those phrases (and more) have all been uttered in the last 12 hours - and that's not even touching the whole school/homework/test prep issue.
I love that kid so much, how can you not, he is so LOVABLE! Sooooo playful - so ready to hug and wanting more than anything to get you to smile or laugh. But, sometimes, I wonder if those responses playful responses from me will end up being to the detriment of his future wife when she's ready to pull her hair out from his otter-like tendencies!
Here's a couple of shots, courtesy of Amy Fox, of him being an otter at Camp Harlow for a mid-school event last timely. =)

P.S. - That cell phone charger? It was "miraculously" found my me...sitting right in the pile of electronic plug-in devices by the computer. So, we got his phone plugged in, and what do you know, but there it is - still plugged in to the charger, while Brayden is at school and off with a friend this afternoon - exactly the kind of situation where we wanted him to have a phone in the first place!!!!
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