As soon as Steph and I arrived, I spotted Kaela with her camera, so I immediately and wisely discerned that there was no need to take my own photos - Kaela had it covered. She did a PHENOMENAL job with the photography - I only picked ten from her vast assortment, but her and I are going to have a little chat about what images are okay for her to share with others that include me - especially when there's a caption about me loving the food and looking less than ideal in the shot. (She must be mad at me....) =)
Christi's parents' house is gorgeous - it has a very airy and beach-inspired feel to it. The food was indeed delicious:

I know I keep repeating this, but oh how I love these women...(including the next photo)

Here's the representatives from our "Tuesday Night Ladies" (Courtney, Kimmie, and Heather were all busy with previous commitments) - from left to right: Susanna, Elaina, me, Christi, Kaela, and Steph

Not only is Christi's family's house beautiful - but so is her family! It's all girls in this household - apparently Dad fled the scene for the night, but this is mom and all four of the gorgeous daughters. Christi will be the third to get married.

This may have been my favorite shower to attend because there were no games for us attendees to actively participate in, but rather a clever little activity that only embarrassed Christi. I'll get to that in a second. First, her opening my present to her...oh no wait, this is a repeat of the same gift I got her (along with the "Our Best Bites" cookbook) - I guess you can never have too many black negligees. (The shower was for lingerie....)

This present brought the house down...with the card sarcastically written: "Just because you're getting married doesn't mean you need to be a SL**" So, she opened this "Grandma Nightgown". Loved it...she's tempted to wear it on the first night.....

...especially because, Tyler - her fiance, is in the doghouse after last night. The above-mentioned activity was having Christi guess the answers to what Tyler previously responded to the questions Christi's sisters asked him. If you enlarge this picture, you can see the questions, pretty standard fun ones - but it was clear that Tyler and Christi were NOT on the same wavelength in regards to what was correct. For every question that Christi answered incorrectly (or should I say, not in accordance to Tyler's answer) she had to put another piece of Hubba Bubba Watermelon bubble gum in her mouth.

She had to answer a question before she opened each present - so by the time the evening was over, she had NINE pieces of gum in her mouth - it was hilarious - very entertaining, not to mention enlightening regarding her and Tyler's relationship. =)

This was a couple of the girls' response to Christi pulling out the wad of gum in her mouth and grossing everyone out...

This was taken at the end of the shower - kind of a summary of all of the pretty women and and decor of their home. I hope Christi enjoyed her night of being in the spotlight - just like Christi it was the perfect balance of fun, laughter, and classiness!

Such fun ideas for a shower:) I'll have to keep these in mind.
I know! I was super impressed....
They weren't bad Steph!!
Your blog is so cute. Thank you so much for taking the time to write things out and share with us. Ive always wondered what other peoples lives were like. Lol, you don't know me. But thank you. :)
Yeah, it was so great experiencing everything with my brother, he is quite the character. Ha Ha
Thanks for taking time in reading some of my blog. Uh, I know. I had really long hair, and when I started beauty school 7 months ago they cut it all off. lol Yeah, Texas was pretty flat. It was kind of weird where I was (Killeen). I mean there was a lot of land and stuff but it seemed like I was in this big valley that was secluded. Wow, You're a teacher? That's awesome. What do you teach?
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