The first location that we anchored at proved unsuccessful in the fishing dept. - Dad speculated that it was too shallow and that the fish would head to deeper waters as it was so warm. And you know what, we think he was right! Just a little ways over, the poles started bobbing and the kids were being beckoned right and left to start pulling them in. I think we netted around a dozen nice-sized rainbow trout.
We also went out in the innertube for a bit - however, the water was so choppy in the main part of the lake - and so busy, it wasn't the experience it could have been otherwise.
All in all it was a great, great time. Mission accomplished, girls caught fish, spent great time with Grandpa and Grandma.... yes, good times. In addition to the activities of the day, we also had an exciting conversation with them, as they proposed a family trip to Disneyworld for early 2010. I think we'll be aiming for a Disney Cruise, so if anyone knows any amazing deals or ways to find them- please let us know!
well hey there!
first off, i wanna know how to get into your family. anything disney would do great for this gal!
looks like your fishing trip was a success. love all the pics you post!
if ya don't mind...i'll be back :o)
Love this post. Family's what it's all about! Grandpas who will bait the hooks are the best!
Get a package deal price but then compare it to going ala cart and doing a little more research on your own and putting it together on your own.
And start doing it now- it will take that long to work it out, and it will be here before you know it!
How fun!
We have an acquaintance who stayed at D-World for a few days, then went on a cruise, came back in, and stayed at Nick suites for a few nights. I guess Nick suites was alot of fun.
oh and get the refillable cups when you first get on the cruise. You pay a one time fee and they have reffill stations all around as opposed to bellying up to the bar and paying xxx for a pop each time.
Good to know about the refillable cups - we did that at the hotel in Maui and definitely felt like it was worth it.
I believe we'll be using our timeshare connections to be able to book two suites in one of the Marriott locations in Orlando - that way we can accommodate Michele's family and probably the Whites as Mom and Dad talked about including the "adopted kids" into the family outing.
I sure do love being the 'adopted kids' in the family! I am so glad you had such a good time fishing. Love you!
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