The best part of the weekend was sitting on the main street of Sisters with the most brilliant blue skies imaginable - the Sisters mountains in the background - the kids all excited and animated - the adults walking out of coffee shops with espresso in hand - and then, finally, the Clydesdales coming down the road indicating the parade was on its way. I love the town of Sisters, it's so special and beautiful and the perfect backdrop to represent all things picturesque that would come with a pre-rodeo, small-town, summer parade.
The timing worked great to allow for us to cruise around Sisters (and stop at the bakery! =) ) and then converge into the city park for a picnic (and soccer and football throwing - I've got a jammed pinky finger to prove I participated in that) - and then, finally, to head on over to the rodeo grounds at one o'clock for the mid-day rodeo performance. It was warm, but I'm not complaining in the slightest - weather makes such a difference in my mood, and the weather on Saturday just had me ecstatic. Mikayla liked the barrel racing and rodeo queens the best, John and I were very impressed with the "one-arm bandit" - the cowboy that had the ability to train two buffalo to climb atop a trailer, and, of course, the bull riding was impressive. My only regret was not bringing some lemon juice.... the big draw for the rodeo to me was the Elephant Ears, and while they were good, they didn't dip them in butter first like I'm used to, so next year I'll have to bring some lemon juice and then use that and the powdered sugar shakers to make my own ideal treat (it almost always comes back to food for me, huh?!)
I also have to give kuddos to the new pool at Black Butte - very, very nice. It was the icing on the cake for the weekend - and I think we can safely say "we're in for next year!"

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