Mikayla first - we decided on the way up to the mountain that we'd do skis for both Mikayla and I. It just seemed like an easier choice, and didn't require a lesson on my part (although that would have been wise). When we got to the mountain, we signed her up for an hour lesson - here she is with her instructor, Tom.

When I returned after the hour (they encourage parents to leave the kids), she was able to go down the slope quite effectively - I was quite impressed! I'm very glad she had such a positive first experience-

Finally, me - while Mikayla was taking her lesson - I figured I ought to give the mountain the ol' college try. It felt weird (and quite foolish) to attempt the ski-lift and run by myself (everyone else had all gone their separate ways), but I had a renewed confidence in making it on and off without biffing it. When I got to they top, however, it seemed a long steep way down and all of a sudden, I found myself forgiving Michael for the incident 11 years ago. It wasn't his fault - I felt the same way this time and I'd done it to myself. Some folks on the lift had shared the snowplow method for stopping, so I tried that right away, but still found myself gaining speed at an alarming and uncontrollable rate. I ended up, high up a side slope, my momentum and rear end finally finding itself stopped. I laughed as my cell phone began ringing - an ideal time to sit and chat. However, upon realizing I couldn't talk with my helmet on, I took it off - only to watch it roll down the hill- at this point, I was laughing hysterically - wishing someone had a hidden camera going (I'm willing to laugh at myself when I'm this pathetic....). I then reached for my cell (now that the helmet was out of the way), only to find it slide down the hill too! More laughter. I didn't even know how to get down the hill and be able to stop to retrieve either item, so I found myself eventually crawling for the phone. People were watching, concerned - it was a show. At that point, I lost my pole - and laughed heartily repeating the whole scene to John who was still on the line...... Kind people helped me with the other two lost items......
I'm pleased to report that the secret to skiing really is believing that you can do it, and by the end of the 3rd run I was feeling a bit like "Suzy Chapstick". Of course, 4 year olds were whizzing by me right and left, but at least I was able to get down the Marshmallow Run without falling, and actually excited to try it again sometime soon.

hahahaha!!!! do you ever just ignore your ringing cell phone? haha!
Oh yes, lots of times - however, this time it meant I wasn't totally alone on top of a mountain I was terrified to get down!
Stephie was very kind to me in this post. I probably made it 100 yards when I decided I was done with snowboarding. When Travis told me to take my snowboard off and walk to him, I was thrilled that I was actually allowed to take the snowboard off on the mountain. I quickly did so and handed it over to him. He snowboarded the rest of the way down the mountain with my board, and I walked the rest of the way down the mountain. I got lots of stares, and even had a little "ski-wee" stop next to me to see what was going on. Pretty funny! When I turned in my gear, I told the guy at the desk that snowboarding wasn't for me and that I walked down the mountain, and his reply was, "Oh, that was you!?" I am glad I did it, I really enjoyed it, and I love my husband for putting up with me during it! Will I do it again?? Umm, not too sure about that.
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