This picture represents:
- Friendship among 7 that has lasted 15 years
- Moms of 18 kids - going on 19 (Ranging from 1 child to "going on" 6)
- Each a wife married for at least ten years
- All reside in Oregon - but range from the total north end to the total south end
- All graduates of Western Oregon University (aka WOSC)
- Of the seven, only 2 of us married someone we did NOT know through college
- All brought together by an organization that we tried to "get going" at WOSC - Campus Crusade for Christ - quite a uniter (and I believe is still going strong to this day)
- By name - far left, Gretchen (ready to have baby #6), at rear of picture, Lisa (the owner of the home we were at and cousin to Gretchen), at far right, Renee (has known her husband longer than any of us have known ours), closest bottom of picture, Kelly (she adopted a baby from China - who now is in elementary school - how time flies!), middle of picture, Lydia, (Michele and I's roommate, and then, when Michele got married, just my roommate), and finally Michele - no explanation needed - and then, of course, not pictured is me - who took the picture
Here's to another 15 years, ladies!!!!
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