- On a sidenote- I just saw a video on the Today Show of a six year old boy being surprised by his dad appearing in his classroom after being gone for 7 months serving in Iraq - whew - don't know how you can watch that without getting teary-eyed!
I have tell you, I don't especially love having to stick to schedules. I don't love accountability, and I'm not especially disciplined. That rebellious side of me just loves not having to do something just because I'm supposed to...... However, I have loved what has transpired this winter with my Glow-Lamp and the reading of my Bible in a Year. I've been ever so faithful at waking up at 6:20, getting my Russian tea, some cereal, and sitting down to read my Bible first, then cruise my computer, and finally, read the newspaper prior to waking the kiddos up. I don't know if I ever gone as long as I have with this kind of consistent habit. It's comforting and routine - and I enjoy it, and that kind of surprises me, that it doesn't feel opressive, but rather a mark of success. Likewise, the exercise has been going quite well, especially when compared to years past - the fact that the place I work out is right next to Mikayla's pre-school has helped create a great routine there too.
However, I wondered how this would all work during the summer - so spring break has been a test run. Let me tell you, it hasn't worked. Despite my best intentions, I have a lot of reading to catch up on, and the scales, I can guarantee, will not be kind on Monday morning. This doesn't bode well for a 12 week stretch coming up in June. I think I'll have to kick up the discipline a notch because this laziness just aint working for me. I think the key will not be using the term "vacation" when referring to the summer - because this body of mine equates vacation to indulgence, and while fun for a time..... long term, not so pretty! So, perhaps, maybe just a little routine can be a very good thing.....
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Mega Sports Camp

A very un-exciting post, but for history sake I felt the need to post some pics of the kids at their sports camp. If a Mega-Sports Camp comes through your town (it's a program church's adopt as a camp theme) - I highly recommend it, our kids had a blast - and you can't beat the fact that they came home teaching us Hebrews 12;1-2. Very cool. The pictures show Brayden and his coach (she really did like him despite the fact she wasn't smiling), Nati as the only girl in her soccer group, and if you look carefully, Traig singing. As for today, we're off to get pedicures - and Hallelujiah, it's a sunny (warmer) day forecasted, the dogs are penned up in Koda's yard for the day, and we have a very enthusiastic babysitter ready to take on all 7 children. (Lisa's included). It should be a very good day!
Monday, March 26, 2007
A Couple of Questions LXIII
Greeetings from Dallas. Due in part to the fact that John won't be home until 7:30 these days of spring break, and partly because there are two hyper dogs at our home, and finally because there was a very cool sports camp opportunity here in Michele's neck of the woods for the older kids - we're here through Wednesday. Michele handles her living situation with amazing grace, but I know she runs thin in her patience of so little space. However, there is such a sense of love and coziness amidst the cramped quarters that I find myself very much at peace being here. We watch DVR'd shows we need to catch up on, I read excellent books from her library and take lots of naps. It's great. To top it off - that kids camp is VERY COOL - Monday through Wednesday Brayden, along with Traig and Nati, head off to the local elementary school to participate in the church sponsored sports camp. Brayden chose basketball, Traig and Nati, soccer. Immediately upon picking them up Brayden begged to do it again next year. For $20 in which they are there for three mornings, receive a free t-shirt and water bottle and lots of attention, exercise, and spiritual uplifting - you bet, Brayden, I think we can handle that.
So, on to questions-
1. What are your plans for spring break? If nothing is changing for the week, what was a really special spring break that you had?
2. If you were required to pick a class from your local community college that required your attendance for two hours a week for a term, what class would you choose? (For folks like me who care about such things, let's say it's non-graded)
So, on to questions-
1. What are your plans for spring break? If nothing is changing for the week, what was a really special spring break that you had?
2. If you were required to pick a class from your local community college that required your attendance for two hours a week for a term, what class would you choose? (For folks like me who care about such things, let's say it's non-graded)
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Date Night at the Hult

Thanks to Lisa and my parents, John and I had a very nice date night last night. It was great timing, because, due to John's intensified work-out schedules, we haven't had a whole lot of quality time lately. Mom and Dad had tickets to the Broadway show, "Aida" -but because they were out of town - we scored them. And, blessings to Lisa who watched our kiddos until quite late. (The show didn't even start until 8).
The musical was VERY passionate. I knew the basic story, but beyond that, didn't really know what to expect. I have to say, I was never bored, so that says a lot for me being entertained. It stretched me a bit in the "interpretive arts department" - something I have very little savvy for. But, all of the keys actors were phenomenal - and I like I said, it was a beautiful passionate story - thanks again for everyone who made it happen!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Playing Hooky at OMSI
So, Friday, we played hooky. I should actually say, just Brayden played hooky - Michele's kids already had the day off. (She's a better mom than I am.....). I did, however, have Brayden's teacher's blessing - any teacher that tells a parent, "No, I don't think it's a good idea for you to have a family day exploring OMSI on the day before spring break when we do very little anyway" would probably not be a favorite teacher of mine. But, as I said, Ms. Hynes said, "of course" - which is just, yet another reason why I love her so much.
This plan has been in the works since just our family went to see the "Star Wars" exhibit. Have you ever seen "National Lampoon's Vacation" in which they arrive at the Grand Canyon, they look at the sight, nod their heads and say, "OK" - and move on...... That's kind of the Rileys when it comes to exhibits - we just don't have the cultural or educational stamina to stick it out for very long. So, I told myself that the next time we went we had to go with the Schillings. I'd have Michele to keep me company and Brayden would have Traig to help him realize just how cool science can be and encourage him to explore a little further. So, that's what happened.
The littlest girls were oh so happy to play indefinitely in the play area's sand pen. Brayden, as you can tell by the pictures, was most animated when "performance" was an option. The weather forecasting exhibit, in which you are recorded in front of a green screen - or the Amazon dance stage. You should have seen Brayden go with that giant tail behind him - he was using it as a weapon at one point. And, no Hollie, the snake is not real. And, the girls were looking at pirhannas - as an FYI.
Overall, a fun day - definitely not as painful as it would have been if it had just been me! A nice start to the hopefully fun adventures of spring break.

This plan has been in the works since just our family went to see the "Star Wars" exhibit. Have you ever seen "National Lampoon's Vacation" in which they arrive at the Grand Canyon, they look at the sight, nod their heads and say, "OK" - and move on...... That's kind of the Rileys when it comes to exhibits - we just don't have the cultural or educational stamina to stick it out for very long. So, I told myself that the next time we went we had to go with the Schillings. I'd have Michele to keep me company and Brayden would have Traig to help him realize just how cool science can be and encourage him to explore a little further. So, that's what happened.
The littlest girls were oh so happy to play indefinitely in the play area's sand pen. Brayden, as you can tell by the pictures, was most animated when "performance" was an option. The weather forecasting exhibit, in which you are recorded in front of a green screen - or the Amazon dance stage. You should have seen Brayden go with that giant tail behind him - he was using it as a weapon at one point. And, no Hollie, the snake is not real. And, the girls were looking at pirhannas - as an FYI.
Overall, a fun day - definitely not as painful as it would have been if it had just been me! A nice start to the hopefully fun adventures of spring break.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
School Time

This is a picture of Mikalya with her Numero Uno Playmate, Erica. She's my buddy, Lisa's, daughter - and I know I can speak for both of us that these two girls together are a very good thing. And when they are together, it's a lifesaver to us as they do a stupendous job of keeping each other happy.
One of the greatest thing about Erica is her great imagination. Rarely is there a power-play between Mikayla and Erica, but almost always, Erica is the provider of great play-scenarios - many of them regarding school. As you can see by the pictures, the girls are very detailed in how they conduct their school days - calendars, alphabet charts, weather wheels, color charts - they make them all (and usually because I'm a bad mom and throw them away they have to start all over each time - it gives them even more to do together, I say!) - and of course, bring all of the dolls out, as well as stuffed animals to serve as the class.
It's not uncommon to occasionally find one of the dolls sitting in the bathroom on the chair in there. Mikayla will tell me it's because she's in time-out and visiting the principal - because she hit one of the other dolls - and then I'll discover Baby Annabell now has a band-aid from where that child struck. Quite detailed, I'm telling you!
The carnal side of me can get easily overwhelmed with the messes of all of this playtime, but the soul side of me is delighted anytime I witness it. Michele and I still have folders that have been saved that we created in grade school of the elaborate class lists, field trip forms, homework activites, lunch counts, etc. that we designed in much the same way as these girls. (No, there was never a doubt what we wanted to be when we grew up). We had all of our favorite names of boys and girls who all earned A+ grades and all of the dorky names that were flunking out and forgetting their field trip forms. Ah, the memories.
Thanks, Lisa, for lending your little girl to help repeat some of those same experiences with my little one. What a beautiful thing!
Monday, March 19, 2007
More St. Patrick's Pics
I just got an email from John's oldest brother, Tom (the one with the shortest hair in the pics!) - he had an amazing camera and was snapping shots right and left. Unfortunately, he said he accidentally dumped 100 of them - So sorry Tom - how frustrating! But, here are some shots that I did pull from his album that showed a little more of the fun we all had-
Here's the twins playing football (yes, they are twins)

Here's the other side of the football field - Brayden and Alex-

A great shot of the fun on the trampoline - and Jeff flying high-

The four cousins all together-
Here's the twins playing football (yes, they are twins)

Here's the other side of the football field - Brayden and Alex-

A great shot of the fun on the trampoline - and Jeff flying high-

The four cousins all together-

A Couple of Questions LXI
I know I should post something new - I just don't have much motivation at the moment. I finally had my doctor's appt. this morning and was pleased that yesterday's fasting (after Saturday's feasting) helped - and was especially timely as I was due to have blood drawn (requiring fasting) anyway. Always glad when that annual chore is over with. But, I totally love my doc - so that does make a world of difference.
On to questions - I'll go with healthy choices as it seems timely today. Please be praying for John he begins "daily doubles" for the next 4 weeks in doing a "Biggest Loser" program at a small gym he's been going to since January - he's going to be whiped out by the time he gets home (nearing 8pm) each weeknight - can't wait until April!
1. When attempting to lose weight, which is the biggest obstacle for you, eating healthy and with restrictions, or getting up and exercising?
2. What would be your ideal way to exercise for 30 minutes every day?
On to questions - I'll go with healthy choices as it seems timely today. Please be praying for John he begins "daily doubles" for the next 4 weeks in doing a "Biggest Loser" program at a small gym he's been going to since January - he's going to be whiped out by the time he gets home (nearing 8pm) each weeknight - can't wait until April!
1. When attempting to lose weight, which is the biggest obstacle for you, eating healthy and with restrictions, or getting up and exercising?
2. What would be your ideal way to exercise for 30 minutes every day?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
This is the first year I've ever done anything for St. Patricks day outside of wearing green. However, this year, the Riley family was set to gather at our house - and by golly, with a last name of Riley - we need to do a little bit more than just wear green. At last check, the temperature was 68 degrees in the shade - ohhhhh, what a gorgeous, THANK YOU LORD!, day. Here's a few pics of our special family day:
This is how the kitchen looked when the company came over - the kids were so delighted with the St. Patrick's Day banner....
Mikayla and her cousin, Andie, wearing the special hats Grandma bought and playing with the singing leprachauns - a huge hit!
Andie and Mikayla sharing loves
The kids found the boat in the garage and decided they needed to put on life vests - just in case.....
Alex and Brayden lounging in his room
This is the whole family watching to see if Xavier advanced in the basketball tournament - they didn't - but, I was rooting for them, any team that starts with an X has my vote
Here's the studly men conquering the bbq - the marinated tri-tip turned out SO good!
A rare shot of the whole adult family together - enjoying a whole lot of food.....
No kidding, the kids spent 75% of their time on the trampoline - every adult except the grandparents spent time on there at least once - so good to have it back, what a blast! Hope we don't have to wait another nine months to get everyone together again!!!!

No kidding, the kids spent 75% of their time on the trampoline - every adult except the grandparents spent time on there at least once - so good to have it back, what a blast! Hope we don't have to wait another nine months to get everyone together again!!!!
Friday, March 16, 2007
15 Years of Friendship

This picture represents:
- Friendship among 7 that has lasted 15 years
- Moms of 18 kids - going on 19 (Ranging from 1 child to "going on" 6)
- Each a wife married for at least ten years
- All reside in Oregon - but range from the total north end to the total south end
- All graduates of Western Oregon University (aka WOSC)
- Of the seven, only 2 of us married someone we did NOT know through college
- All brought together by an organization that we tried to "get going" at WOSC - Campus Crusade for Christ - quite a uniter (and I believe is still going strong to this day)
- By name - far left, Gretchen (ready to have baby #6), at rear of picture, Lisa (the owner of the home we were at and cousin to Gretchen), at far right, Renee (has known her husband longer than any of us have known ours), closest bottom of picture, Kelly (she adopted a baby from China - who now is in elementary school - how time flies!), middle of picture, Lydia, (Michele and I's roommate, and then, when Michele got married, just my roommate), and finally Michele - no explanation needed - and then, of course, not pictured is me - who took the picture
Here's to another 15 years, ladies!!!!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Thankul List
Blogspot still not letting me put pictures up - grrrr...... not on my thankful list!
1. A weather forecast that has Saturday looking great - the day we'll have John's family all together at our house
2. The current worship song on my computer that has me distracted in a very good way
3. My mom, who "fixed" me yet again - now I can turn my head to the right again!
4. Kids, jumping away on the trampoline - again - we've missed you, dear trampoline!
5. The smells - have I mentioned that lately? Oh, I just love stepping outside and smelling sweet blossoms of spring-
6. A lilac tree I planted here when we moved - because I love cut lilac arrangements and their smell - that is finally, for its first year, going to bloom
7. A friend like Lisa who prunes my rose bushes since I really show them no love at all (they were here when we moved)
8. Brayden's teacher - she loves Brayden and I just LOVE her for that
9. Mikayla's pre-school - and her opportunity to extend her stay there through kindergarten - and Mikayla's love for that place
10. A husband, who shows his love for me so much, that he is remembered by the gal who's name I was given as a possible "group babysitter". Unbeknownst to me, she actually works at Bello (the spa place we'll go to which is why we'll need the babysitter) and knows exactly who I am because of the huge impression John made when he bought Michele and I gift certificates there. Man, God blessed me bigtime! (and, because of all this, she is managing to get off an hour early just to come and babysit for Michele, Lisa and I on Stephie's birthday Spa Day).
1. A weather forecast that has Saturday looking great - the day we'll have John's family all together at our house
2. The current worship song on my computer that has me distracted in a very good way
3. My mom, who "fixed" me yet again - now I can turn my head to the right again!
4. Kids, jumping away on the trampoline - again - we've missed you, dear trampoline!
5. The smells - have I mentioned that lately? Oh, I just love stepping outside and smelling sweet blossoms of spring-
6. A lilac tree I planted here when we moved - because I love cut lilac arrangements and their smell - that is finally, for its first year, going to bloom
7. A friend like Lisa who prunes my rose bushes since I really show them no love at all (they were here when we moved)
8. Brayden's teacher - she loves Brayden and I just LOVE her for that
9. Mikayla's pre-school - and her opportunity to extend her stay there through kindergarten - and Mikayla's love for that place
10. A husband, who shows his love for me so much, that he is remembered by the gal who's name I was given as a possible "group babysitter". Unbeknownst to me, she actually works at Bello (the spa place we'll go to which is why we'll need the babysitter) and knows exactly who I am because of the huge impression John made when he bought Michele and I gift certificates there. Man, God blessed me bigtime! (and, because of all this, she is managing to get off an hour early just to come and babysit for Michele, Lisa and I on Stephie's birthday Spa Day).
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Computer Difficulties
Hey Guys,
I've been trying this evening to upload some pictures and talk about them, but Blogspot is not being cooperative- and, all of my fallback post ideas involve pics too. So, hope this week is wonderful and fulfilling for you - hopefully you are smelling all sorts of spring smells and finding lots of opportunities to don sunglasses!
I've been trying this evening to upload some pictures and talk about them, but Blogspot is not being cooperative- and, all of my fallback post ideas involve pics too. So, hope this week is wonderful and fulfilling for you - hopefully you are smelling all sorts of spring smells and finding lots of opportunities to don sunglasses!
Monday, March 12, 2007
A Couple of Questions LX
Rain is back - boooo! But, based on the forecast not for long......
1. What do you think of the new Daylight Savings time change?
2. Knowing what you know now, what activities do you wish you pursued or were encouraged to pursue (or stick with) when you were growing up?
1. What do you think of the new Daylight Savings time change?
2. Knowing what you know now, what activities do you wish you pursued or were encouraged to pursue (or stick with) when you were growing up?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Signs of Spring
SPRING HAS SPRUNG - and here are a few indicators in my neck of the woods-
Flowers emerging- and such pretty ones at that:

These white legs and feet seeing sunshine due to the capris and sandals I'm finally able to sport:

The flowering plum trees that line our street - and smell, oh, so sweet:

An outdoor temperature that reads 73 degrees:

Yeehah everyone, though it may still be weeks away on the calendar, I'm officially saying spring is here!
Flowers emerging- and such pretty ones at that:

These white legs and feet seeing sunshine due to the capris and sandals I'm finally able to sport:

The flowering plum trees that line our street - and smell, oh, so sweet:

An outdoor temperature that reads 73 degrees:

Yeehah everyone, though it may still be weeks away on the calendar, I'm officially saying spring is here!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ducks Are on Fire!
I've just got to say, John and I picked a darn good year to decide to get into Duck basketball -
We're currently watching the third game of the Pac 10 conference - I think the Ducks won their first two games by at least 16 points - and right now they are up by 37 points - that's just unreal, especially when you are talking the top two teams of the Pac 10. it's been a kick to have something to watch and get into in these months where the days are shorter and temps are colder. WAY TO GO DUCKS!
We're currently watching the third game of the Pac 10 conference - I think the Ducks won their first two games by at least 16 points - and right now they are up by 37 points - that's just unreal, especially when you are talking the top two teams of the Pac 10. it's been a kick to have something to watch and get into in these months where the days are shorter and temps are colder. WAY TO GO DUCKS!
Friday, March 09, 2007
We All Survived
Good news - everyone has returned from the mountain in one piece. Bad news - my legs are already sore - I think getting out of bed tomorrow will be difficult indeed! Once again, I'll use the pics to chronicle how each family member did for the day-
Mikayla first - we decided on the way up to the mountain that we'd do skis for both Mikayla and I. It just seemed like an easier choice, and didn't require a lesson on my part (although that would have been wise). When we got to the mountain, we signed her up for an hour lesson - here she is with her instructor, Tom.

When I returned after the hour (they encourage parents to leave the kids), she was able to go down the slope quite effectively - I was quite impressed! I'm very glad she had such a positive first experience-
Here's the snowman her and Tom made when she requested a "break"-
Steph chose to have Travis teach her how to snowboard - here's a pic of her getting her boots on at the base. I met them up at the top in the midst of her lesson. She didn't seem especially thrilled. However, she stuck it out, did a great job with the basics - and eventually told Travis- "this isn't my thing". Better effort torwards snowboarding than I made!
This is an appropriate pic of Brayden - unfortunately, due to him being quite sick this week, his stamina was shot. He had a hard time making it down the mountain, but John was there helping him every step and fall of the way. Hopefully, we'll all make another shot of it before the year ends so we end on a good note.
Finally, me - while Mikayla was taking her lesson - I figured I ought to give the mountain the ol' college try. It felt weird (and quite foolish) to attempt the ski-lift and run by myself (everyone else had all gone their separate ways), but I had a renewed confidence in making it on and off without biffing it. When I got to they top, however, it seemed a long steep way down and all of a sudden, I found myself forgiving Michael for the incident 11 years ago. It wasn't his fault - I felt the same way this time and I'd done it to myself. Some folks on the lift had shared the snowplow method for stopping, so I tried that right away, but still found myself gaining speed at an alarming and uncontrollable rate. I ended up, high up a side slope, my momentum and rear end finally finding itself stopped. I laughed as my cell phone began ringing - an ideal time to sit and chat. However, upon realizing I couldn't talk with my helmet on, I took it off - only to watch it roll down the hill- at this point, I was laughing hysterically - wishing someone had a hidden camera going (I'm willing to laugh at myself when I'm this pathetic....). I then reached for my cell (now that the helmet was out of the way), only to find it slide down the hill too! More laughter. I didn't even know how to get down the hill and be able to stop to retrieve either item, so I found myself eventually crawling for the phone. People were watching, concerned - it was a show. At that point, I lost my pole - and laughed heartily repeating the whole scene to John who was still on the line...... Kind people helped me with the other two lost items......
I'm pleased to report that the secret to skiing really is believing that you can do it, and by the end of the 3rd run I was feeling a bit like "Suzy Chapstick". Of course, 4 year olds were whizzing by me right and left, but at least I was able to get down the Marshmallow Run without falling, and actually excited to try it again sometime soon.
Mikayla first - we decided on the way up to the mountain that we'd do skis for both Mikayla and I. It just seemed like an easier choice, and didn't require a lesson on my part (although that would have been wise). When we got to the mountain, we signed her up for an hour lesson - here she is with her instructor, Tom.

When I returned after the hour (they encourage parents to leave the kids), she was able to go down the slope quite effectively - I was quite impressed! I'm very glad she had such a positive first experience-

Finally, me - while Mikayla was taking her lesson - I figured I ought to give the mountain the ol' college try. It felt weird (and quite foolish) to attempt the ski-lift and run by myself (everyone else had all gone their separate ways), but I had a renewed confidence in making it on and off without biffing it. When I got to they top, however, it seemed a long steep way down and all of a sudden, I found myself forgiving Michael for the incident 11 years ago. It wasn't his fault - I felt the same way this time and I'd done it to myself. Some folks on the lift had shared the snowplow method for stopping, so I tried that right away, but still found myself gaining speed at an alarming and uncontrollable rate. I ended up, high up a side slope, my momentum and rear end finally finding itself stopped. I laughed as my cell phone began ringing - an ideal time to sit and chat. However, upon realizing I couldn't talk with my helmet on, I took it off - only to watch it roll down the hill- at this point, I was laughing hysterically - wishing someone had a hidden camera going (I'm willing to laugh at myself when I'm this pathetic....). I then reached for my cell (now that the helmet was out of the way), only to find it slide down the hill too! More laughter. I didn't even know how to get down the hill and be able to stop to retrieve either item, so I found myself eventually crawling for the phone. People were watching, concerned - it was a show. At that point, I lost my pole - and laughed heartily repeating the whole scene to John who was still on the line...... Kind people helped me with the other two lost items......
I'm pleased to report that the secret to skiing really is believing that you can do it, and by the end of the 3rd run I was feeling a bit like "Suzy Chapstick". Of course, 4 year olds were whizzing by me right and left, but at least I was able to get down the Marshmallow Run without falling, and actually excited to try it again sometime soon.

Thursday, March 08, 2007
A Very Happy Ending
I have to say, my expectations of how this concert thing was going to work out were quickly being squleched within 10 minutes of arriving. To give a little background, Michele and I were the first people to contact the production manager about Mark Schultz giving a concert in Bend. In fact, he was surprised we even found his number (accessed from Mark Schultz's website). Michele was the person to talk to him directly and he seemed like a great guy, really willing to work with us, and able to give us a sweet deal if we had a group of 10 or more.
We took him up on his offer, rounded up 20 people and sent the money in and received tickets in return. All seemed to be fine. This last week, when I was going through the tickets, I found a random ticket that didn't belong to us, so I emailed the guy and he appreciated the heads-up, and then informed us of some changes to the group ticket issues. That had me concerned, so I emailed back to make sure we'd be taken care of - and he emailed again guaranteeing me that our seats would be reserved and clearly marked.
Fast forward to this evening, and what do you know - the seats indicated on our ticket did NOT exist. Fortunately, we were the first to arrive out of our group of 20 and had some time to track down the production manager (let's just say his greeting to me was not as enthusiastic as it had been via email). He knew he had screwed up, and by the look on his face, he didn't seem to have any idea how to fix it. A bit of a problem..... Long story short, after John trailing him for ten minutes, we got moved to the right side of the room and further back than I'd hoped, and split into 2 rows. I had to tell myself, better than nothing, but pretty much I was just plain angry that we'd gotten really messed over. To his benefit, he claims that Riverhouse messed everything up with their changing of the room arrangements... whatever.
So, as the concert began, and this amazing violin player played one of my favorite pieces from a Christmas Amy Grant album "Highland Cathedral" - I had to tell myself to chill and enjoy the moment. It's a hard thing for me to let go of times when people have let me down - and that my expectations were not even close to being met - I felt like it was a battle I had to win or the night would be lost. Fortunately, little Ellie, Mikayla, and Jodi's Car-Car didn't have a clue that the seats should have been any better than what we had - they just delighted in dancing, swaying, and being held by John and I. It was so very precious.
The music was phenomenal - the worship moments very special. I felt like the intermission time and length of time given to promotion of World Vision (don't get me wrong - love the idea, but felt like the video did a super job so the additional 10-15 minutes of explanation by one of the band leaders seemed a little long) - really chopped up the performance. Mark Schultz was awesome, I was especially thankful that Mikayla woke up at the end when he sang "Letters from War" and "She Was Watching" - special songs with both Mommy and Daddy that she'll remember. Because, by the end, almost all of the kids had slept during some point of the concert.....

In light of that, John and I kept going back and forth as to whether or not we should try to see Mark Schultz (by hanging otu at the autograph table). John had felt like he'd made a real connection with the guy at Mens' Round-Up, but also realized that Mark meets so many thousands of people, John wasn't sure he'd remember him. So, we stood a few feet in front of the autograph table, waited a very long time for him to show up, and hoped maybe he'd recognize John and we could get a "moment". It was one of those things John wanted to do for me, and I wanted for John - so we really tried to encourage each other that whatever happened was okay. When Mark didn't seem to notice John, I ended up getting in the back of the line, we'd waited that long - what's another half hour? A few minutes later, I hear "Stephanie" shouted really loud by John - and yes, sure enough, I race back to my honey, and there he is - chatting with his ol' buddy, Mark. Mark looked at me, put his arms out to hug me, and told me he remembered chatting with me on the cell phone. OK, all was made well in the world. Apparently, when Mark looked up and finally noticed John, he immediately stopped the autographs and stepped away to talk to John - to me, that was worth more than the picture, just for John to know that they had made a connection - I had a hard time believing John could end up being so forgetable! =)
So, despite the rough start - it was a very happy ending - thank you for a great evening Mark Schultz - and Praise God!
We took him up on his offer, rounded up 20 people and sent the money in and received tickets in return. All seemed to be fine. This last week, when I was going through the tickets, I found a random ticket that didn't belong to us, so I emailed the guy and he appreciated the heads-up, and then informed us of some changes to the group ticket issues. That had me concerned, so I emailed back to make sure we'd be taken care of - and he emailed again guaranteeing me that our seats would be reserved and clearly marked.
Fast forward to this evening, and what do you know - the seats indicated on our ticket did NOT exist. Fortunately, we were the first to arrive out of our group of 20 and had some time to track down the production manager (let's just say his greeting to me was not as enthusiastic as it had been via email). He knew he had screwed up, and by the look on his face, he didn't seem to have any idea how to fix it. A bit of a problem..... Long story short, after John trailing him for ten minutes, we got moved to the right side of the room and further back than I'd hoped, and split into 2 rows. I had to tell myself, better than nothing, but pretty much I was just plain angry that we'd gotten really messed over. To his benefit, he claims that Riverhouse messed everything up with their changing of the room arrangements... whatever.
So, as the concert began, and this amazing violin player played one of my favorite pieces from a Christmas Amy Grant album "Highland Cathedral" - I had to tell myself to chill and enjoy the moment. It's a hard thing for me to let go of times when people have let me down - and that my expectations were not even close to being met - I felt like it was a battle I had to win or the night would be lost. Fortunately, little Ellie, Mikayla, and Jodi's Car-Car didn't have a clue that the seats should have been any better than what we had - they just delighted in dancing, swaying, and being held by John and I. It was so very precious.
The music was phenomenal - the worship moments very special. I felt like the intermission time and length of time given to promotion of World Vision (don't get me wrong - love the idea, but felt like the video did a super job so the additional 10-15 minutes of explanation by one of the band leaders seemed a little long) - really chopped up the performance. Mark Schultz was awesome, I was especially thankful that Mikayla woke up at the end when he sang "Letters from War" and "She Was Watching" - special songs with both Mommy and Daddy that she'll remember. Because, by the end, almost all of the kids had slept during some point of the concert.....

In light of that, John and I kept going back and forth as to whether or not we should try to see Mark Schultz (by hanging otu at the autograph table). John had felt like he'd made a real connection with the guy at Mens' Round-Up, but also realized that Mark meets so many thousands of people, John wasn't sure he'd remember him. So, we stood a few feet in front of the autograph table, waited a very long time for him to show up, and hoped maybe he'd recognize John and we could get a "moment". It was one of those things John wanted to do for me, and I wanted for John - so we really tried to encourage each other that whatever happened was okay. When Mark didn't seem to notice John, I ended up getting in the back of the line, we'd waited that long - what's another half hour? A few minutes later, I hear "Stephanie" shouted really loud by John - and yes, sure enough, I race back to my honey, and there he is - chatting with his ol' buddy, Mark. Mark looked at me, put his arms out to hug me, and told me he remembered chatting with me on the cell phone. OK, all was made well in the world. Apparently, when Mark looked up and finally noticed John, he immediately stopped the autographs and stepped away to talk to John - to me, that was worth more than the picture, just for John to know that they had made a connection - I had a hard time believing John could end up being so forgetable! =)

So, despite the rough start - it was a very happy ending - thank you for a great evening Mark Schultz - and Praise God!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
A Couple of Questions LIX
Well, I made it to the hair appt. today. The 2 and a half hours I spent there was wonderful.....and, just to be a semi-good mom, I did leave my phone on vibrate on my lap just in case either school called to tell me to retrieve my child.... Really, they both did okay, I think we could have justified either choice. Michele took Traig into the doc today as it is his 5th day running a fever - it's a good ol' virus, which they are seeing a whole lot of. Fortunately, it's not too painful - just completely zapping.
Tomorrow, we head to the desert to see Mark Schultz in concert. The whole family is really pumped for it - and it will be fun worshiping with Michele's family next to us - and Jodi's family too! Then, I will make an effort to try snowboarding on Friday. Since I've mastered the plug-in game (see Christmas post) I don't think I even need lessons, but I'll hang out with Mikayla during her lessons just in case there might be some information I might have missed! =)
1. What was the best concert you've ever been to, or if nothing comes to my mind, what concert would you most want to go to?
2. Any skiing/snowboarding anecdotes you feel like sharing?
Tomorrow, we head to the desert to see Mark Schultz in concert. The whole family is really pumped for it - and it will be fun worshiping with Michele's family next to us - and Jodi's family too! Then, I will make an effort to try snowboarding on Friday. Since I've mastered the plug-in game (see Christmas post) I don't think I even need lessons, but I'll hang out with Mikayla during her lessons just in case there might be some information I might have missed! =)
1. What was the best concert you've ever been to, or if nothing comes to my mind, what concert would you most want to go to?
2. Any skiing/snowboarding anecdotes you feel like sharing?
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sicky Central
On Sunday morning, Michele announced to me that she hadn't had a very good night's sleep. Apparently, Nati was running quite a temperature and completely lethargic. I witnessed it first hand when I asked if she would like to have some breakfast and she said yes, and told me what kind of cereal, but then ended up laying on the floor next to the kitchen table instead of sitting in a chair to eat. Her cheeks were very flushed - all she wanted to do was do nothing. Unfortunately, she had contracted this little bug from her brother (Traig) who had stayed home with Dad over the weekend (he's not that into "My Little Pony"). Poor guy missed his last basketball game of the season feeling just like Nati did, but beginning on Saturday.
So, I wondered when Brayden got out of the car on Monday. Normally, he races our neighbor (we carpool) to the door of the school, but on Monday he walked very slowly. I actually told Mikayla, "I don't think your brother is feeling well today". Sure enough, around 10:30, the school called, he had thrown up in the hallway (not a symptom of this bug, I think it was just a by-product of the spike in temperature and eating at the wrong time), and I picked my pale, lethargic boy up.
He's feeling the same way today. Mikayla seems to have it too, as she is running a temperature. She definitely has more energy than he does, but both are on rotating doses of kids' tylenol and advil products.
When you are used to a hyper boy who sometimes just doesn't know how to settle down, there is something quite endearing when he is forced to slow down due to a bug. Brayden is much more cuddly and calm. However, I have my first haircut and color since October scheduled tomorrow at 10, and I REALLY don't want to miss it. Things aren't looking too good, though - Traig still isn't back to school - and perhaps might not even go tomorrow (he still feels worse than Nati).....bummer. We'll just have to wait and see-
So, I wondered when Brayden got out of the car on Monday. Normally, he races our neighbor (we carpool) to the door of the school, but on Monday he walked very slowly. I actually told Mikayla, "I don't think your brother is feeling well today". Sure enough, around 10:30, the school called, he had thrown up in the hallway (not a symptom of this bug, I think it was just a by-product of the spike in temperature and eating at the wrong time), and I picked my pale, lethargic boy up.
He's feeling the same way today. Mikayla seems to have it too, as she is running a temperature. She definitely has more energy than he does, but both are on rotating doses of kids' tylenol and advil products.
When you are used to a hyper boy who sometimes just doesn't know how to settle down, there is something quite endearing when he is forced to slow down due to a bug. Brayden is much more cuddly and calm. However, I have my first haircut and color since October scheduled tomorrow at 10, and I REALLY don't want to miss it. Things aren't looking too good, though - Traig still isn't back to school - and perhaps might not even go tomorrow (he still feels worse than Nati).....bummer. We'll just have to wait and see-
Monday, March 05, 2007
Reclaiming Our Yard
God is so good! Out of all the weekends to have dry 60 degree weather, God would bless us with it the very weekend we needed it the most - really the only weekend in a span of many weeks that we'll have to get a hold of our "outdoor spaces". And, that's just what we did.
Cover trampoline area, underneath fir trees, and side patio bark area with river rock gravel - CHECK
Restore trampoline (new net and mat over springs) - CHECK
Weed front yards - CHECK
Remove all dog-chewed debris from back yard and rake around bark - CHECK
Apply insect killer*, grass seed, and mulch to back yard - CHECK
Construct and install cabana and new lawn furniture (special thanks to good-buddy, Travis) - CHECK
Bury wire, drill hole through house wall, and plug in In-Ground Dog Fence - CHECK
End the day with a filthy inside of the house, but with an immense feeling of accomplishment - CHECK
To say I am delighted is an understatement - I'm thrilled. To look out my kitchen window and see a beautiful outdoor living space, and to WANT to open my living room blinds again - OHHHHH YEAH! Not to mention to get on the trampoline again and jump safely - with both children jubilant at my side. Thank you God, what a wonderful weekend!
(Everything is in "storage mode" - normally the gauzy side flaps would be down - but a little fearful dogs would have a hey-day with them, and some of the furniture would be moved out - but want to keep it under cover until the rains are over)
(The little white flags are indicators to the dogs that, "cross those and you get zapped" - it seems to be working - Sydney is very weary of going anywhere near that area)
* The sad state of our back yard has been something of a mystery. Yes, we've been aware that the dogs have dug, defecated, and drug all sorts of junk all over it. However, that doesn't explain why there have been these gaps of no grass, particularly since we've tried reseeding it numerous times. Come to find out, there are these little insects that infest yards that have been laid with sod. They lay their eggs in the grass and consume it - the Scotts guy at Home Depot was surprised we had a yard left at all. So, those little critters are on their way out, and the dogs have been trapped out - so we are very much hoping, someday soon, we'll have a lush green lawn again.
Cover trampoline area, underneath fir trees, and side patio bark area with river rock gravel - CHECK
Restore trampoline (new net and mat over springs) - CHECK
Weed front yards - CHECK
Remove all dog-chewed debris from back yard and rake around bark - CHECK
Apply insect killer*, grass seed, and mulch to back yard - CHECK
Construct and install cabana and new lawn furniture (special thanks to good-buddy, Travis) - CHECK
Bury wire, drill hole through house wall, and plug in In-Ground Dog Fence - CHECK
End the day with a filthy inside of the house, but with an immense feeling of accomplishment - CHECK
To say I am delighted is an understatement - I'm thrilled. To look out my kitchen window and see a beautiful outdoor living space, and to WANT to open my living room blinds again - OHHHHH YEAH! Not to mention to get on the trampoline again and jump safely - with both children jubilant at my side. Thank you God, what a wonderful weekend!

* The sad state of our back yard has been something of a mystery. Yes, we've been aware that the dogs have dug, defecated, and drug all sorts of junk all over it. However, that doesn't explain why there have been these gaps of no grass, particularly since we've tried reseeding it numerous times. Come to find out, there are these little insects that infest yards that have been laid with sod. They lay their eggs in the grass and consume it - the Scotts guy at Home Depot was surprised we had a yard left at all. So, those little critters are on their way out, and the dogs have been trapped out - so we are very much hoping, someday soon, we'll have a lush green lawn again.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
The World's Biggest Tea Party

Alright, adults, try to control your envy on this one. I don't want to rub it in or anything, but I was able to attend the World's Biggest Tea Party on Saturday - with a bunch of little girls and a bunch of pastel ponies. It was the most riveting hour and a half I've experienced in a long time. OK, maybe not - but, hey, the girls had fun. When I heard that "My Little Pony" was doing a stage show at our local performing arts center I talked my friends into making it a special experience for our little girls. Were I to do it over again, I'm not sure if I would have spent the money, but then again, the girls did have a blast and it will probably be a memory they talk about for years to come. Here are some pics:

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