However, it's not always a guarantee that there won't be something that goes a little wrong. Snow can be a nail-biter: will it come on time? will it rain? will there be any at all? Checking the long-term forecast prior to departure can seriously make or break my mood for the day. There's also the incidents that Travis finds himself a part of. In the year 2000, John and him decided to rent snowmobiles. They were having a wonderful time, exceeding 70 miles an hour in powder snow - then while climbing a hill (at a considerably lower speed), Travis' snowmobile hit a rock - and had to be towed out - costing them $1100. (Right before their wedding - nice timing for that expense....) There hasn't been anything significant that's occurred for a while, but yesterday changed all that. Here's a few pictures to share the story-
This is on the way to get a Christmas tree for our home away from home- Travis recognized his truck was sliding into the ditch and literally tried for a football field length to correct it out of the ditch. Clearly it didn't work. Good thing for ONSTAR. They had a tow truck to our exact location within 2 hours.

This would be the kids, unhappy while waiting-

This is the tow truck, doing its magic - and then Steph showing her expression of victory, note the sun setting in the backgroung - still no tree.

So, after that (by the way, no damage done and the towing was free with their ONSTAR service), the adventure was able to continue and we had five minutes to find our tree before dusk. We picked out a doozy - about 20 feet tall - we decorated it while it was laying horizontal. Too fun....
Here's a picture of the tree-

Opening presents and one of my favorite presents-

Finally, this shows that even the dogs got along and shared appropriately - good for them!

This makes me want to begin a Tradition like that. That is something very special for you three families.
Oh what is your favorite present? I couldn't see it.
Enjoy the remainder of your time!
Actually, my favorite present here was the Scooby Doo PS2 game. For the past three years, we'll get the newest edition and the kids all gather around while I navigate Scooby Doo to fight the ghosts/monsters. Last night was so precious. Ellie is in love with Scooby Doo and was hillarious telling us where all the ghosts were. You had to be there, but it was a sweet time. Life is very good.
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