That concept got me thinking about how often I do that in a figurative sense. Particularly during the holiday season. One year, we decided to go on a trip to Leavenworth the weekend of Thanksgiving. Mikayla was young and the trip was long, but our company was enjoyable despite some obvious disappointments with lack of snow. That same year, my Grandma passed away the week prior to Christmas (I'm going to devote a whole blog about the calamaties our family (my parents) have experienced during Christmas - it really is wild that I am so in love with this season despite so many heartaches...). When Christmas day arrived, I remember just feeling relieved I had gotten through it, and glad to be able to consider I'd have a fresh start the following year. Of course, sometimes we can't control what happens around us, but often the Christmas season involves a lot of choices we do make, and perhaps it's good to ask what benefit they really have in their lives. For us, that was the year we decided there would be no traveling prior to Christmas except for the trip we take with friends to Sunriver. It just took too much out of us. Sunriver, on the other hand, is the 6 days prior to Christmas where everything has already been done, and it's time to just soak it all in. Aahhh, I can't wait.
As I'm writing this, I'm doing a self-evaluation of how well I'm avoiding "choking" this year. So far, so good. I know I choose to do a lot, but with a lot of prior planning and preparation, it's been predominately very fun - even the 5:30 am runs to Walmart to prepare for a Gingerbread party for Mikayla! Best wishes in your pursuit for the ideal holiday season for you and your family.....
Here are some pictures of our tea - obviously, Ellie really digged the hot cocoa-

Here are pics of Mikayla's 4 year old Gingerbread party - with a tea and gingerbread house making. It was a lot of fun.

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