That is, until, Michele sabotages my efforts by spilling Diet Coke all over the month of April. Really?!
If I didn't mention it in the previous post, we did a nice job of sharing while in Sunriver - including the stomach flu (Norovirus). The early morning after the Rose Bowl, both Steph White and Mikayla came down with it. The only positive out of the whole scenario was that it got us out of Mikayla's all-day volleyball tournament on that Sunday - giving us one more family day together.
However, later that afternoon, my stomach started telling me something was off, and sure enough, within the hour, I was throwing up too. Oh...not pleasant. It was actually one of the more violent stomach virus' I've ever had, but thankfully, short-lived. The throwing up generally passed within 18 hours, and by three days time you were nearly back to normal. The "Schitely Plague" ended up claiming, (in order), Brayden, Michael, Steph, Mikayla, me, Travis, Ellie, and John before it was over and finally done...
Again, another, "thankful" was that this little one didn't get it. But, she did get a run of the mill cold, and by the end of the week (that first week back to school), she was worn out and kind of just a zombie. While she was very bugged by "My NOSE!" that kept running, there was a part of me that couldn't help but savor the cuddles that came with her low grade cold that afternoon.

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