Sunday, October 05, 2014

Announcing the Homecoming Royalty...

On Tuesday morning, Brayden left his lunch at home, so I had to drop it off at the school.  While we were there, I figured I'd have Whitley go see her uncle, Rick Gardner, who is the Assistant Principal at Marist.  When we greeted him, he explained that they had just made the Homecoming Court announcements and that I'd find the "Sophomore Prince" name recognizable.  Are you serious?!  Brayden was voted to be on the Homecoming Court?  My heart did a cartwheel at that one...especially when I followed up by verifying that his date - and BFF,  Ashton, was the Sophomore Princess.  Yup.  

Oh my gracious!  I could NOT STOP GRINNING after I left the school.  I immediately called John, and then my parents who were on vacation.  So fun.  Yes, Brayden has some work to do in the academic realm (though doing much better this year so far than last) - but, to know he's respected by his peers is a big deal.  And, if you know Ashton - to know that folks like them in similar ways - representing together two kids that are just genuinely approachable and "nice" just makes my heart soar.

Of course, true to form, I had to pull the announcement from Brayden when he got home.  That kid - if he's not in the right mood to talk - its so hard getting any information from him!  And, of course, he had to mess with me in a half dozen different responses as to whether he really was or not... ;)  

Fortunately, the next day, he came home with an info sheet - shown below - of what was expected of us parents and me as "Mom" in terms of escorting him at the game.  Brayden - on Friday night, was not even sure when the game started, so thank God for other people supplying insight!

Note the interests - we brainstormed the obvious ones, but he had to throw in "Mix Tapes" at the end just to be goofy.  Okay, I can live with that.  

And, because he's Brayden's dad, John forgot to call his mom about this until the afternoon-of.  I'm so glad she didn't already have plans.  I had thought Leona was already on a trip back east, so I suppose I should take some blame for not reminding him earlier....

At the beginning of the second quarter, we all gathered with our kids to wait for halftime.  I love this pic John snapped of me taking a "Selfie" with Brayden (the real pic is in the first collage). 

And, this is Ashton and her dad, Chris. 

That's my otter. =)

And, that is definitely symbolic of John and Brayden...

Walking over to where the vehicles were parked.

They sat in the trunks of these new cars - supplied by a dealership owned by the parents of a student who goes to Marist. 

The football announcer is a friend of ours and definitely had a good time hamming up Brayden's arrival and "bio"  (he likes being the "center of attention" and is filled with confidence....okay, sometimes true, but definitely not what we wrote down).   He also used the title "Big Nasty" - a title Brayden earned on his first day of football practice last year - basically for being the littlest guy on the team.  It's a name that has totally stuck - both kids and staff know him by that.  I find it rather irritating, but oddly endearing nonetheless (and did my best to convince Ashton's dad that it is absolutely not an accurate description of his character!!!!)

The Whites also joined us and Whitley was going nuts when she was seated in the front row and caught sight of Brayden and myself.  She wanted our attention and to be carried out to the field with us too.  Not this time, Sweetheart, it's Brayden's turn for the limelight.  =)

Us, acknowledging Whitley.  =)

What an outstanding evening.  Friday and Saturday night were undoubtedly some of the best days Brayden's had thus far in high school.  I know they will be hard to top in the future - but, here's hoping... =

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