June 24th through July 26th will be among the busiest, most fun, full of memories stretch I've gone through in a long time. I'll probably be sleeping in my own bed less than 10 days during this period, and there will be many miles put on our vehicles. I can pretty much guarantee that the luggage will never be completely unloaded - and all of this adds up to making me one happy, happy camper!
With us coming back from Arizona and then turning around to celebrate the Fourth of July, hosting a gathering at our house and then taking off for Sunriver, it would seem like a pretty silly idea to throw a trip to Dallas Motor Vu into the mix. I mean, would it really be that bad to have a day on the calendar not filled with activity? However, there was a means to this madness. Stephanie had the whole week of the 4th off to spend with her daughter and without Whitley in the scene, that allowed me the freedom to take off for Dallas and be able to spend the night at Michele's before returning to party prep on the Third.
We were planning on leaving somewhat early on that Wednesday, but Mikayla threw a wrench into our plans as she woke up feeling very "stomach-sick" - and it didn't get better as the morning stretched on. Okay, Plan B, do some party prep now, get my own nap in (knowing I'd be up until 2am that night), and see if some time for Mikayla to sleep through the day would make it better.
There wasn't drastic improvement, but she was well enough to make the drive.
By 6:40, we were parked in line for the 7pm opening of the drive in. This time around, Michele and I fully prepped both of our vans to make a uber comfy cozy sleeping cove. Blessedly, it worked out perfectly, as Mikayla completely monopolized my vehicle - allowing her to sleep almost the whole time and not potentially spread whatever bug she was fighting to the other kids.
Poor Mikayla. At least she was very comfortable - and had a safe place to just rest. We think there was a combination of catching John's stomach ick and a little vertigo from her ear not popping on the descent of the last plane trip that caused such an onset of nausea, ear pain, dizziness, and total body lethargy. Fortunately, she was feeling a lot better by the afternoon of the third, so she was able to participate in the party - and has steadily been feeling better through the weekend.
The other car had a bit of a different atmosphere going on - it was the party car. =)
Michele and I did our typical lounge chair set-up in front of the rigs.
The Meyers and Quigleys were originally slated to join us, but Andrew was committed to a short-term job so they couldn't come, and then Lisa was in the midst of dealing with a "camp emergency" at Canby Grove where she was working as camp director.
It's a shame they missed it, as this was, BY FAR, the smoothest run we've had yet at the drive in. No headaches, no dead batteries, no fights over no room in the car, no horrible movies, etc. Outside of Mikayla not feeling well, the rest was great.
Beautiful sunset.
I sent this picture to John shortly before the movie began, texting "We're not in Arizona anymore", as it was getting chilly in a hurry once the sun set. A cool wind blowing, and all of a sudden it was hard to believe we'd been in the mid 80's earlier in the day.
But, I have a great sleeping bag, and it kept me very cozy. I love the beginning of the movie starting with all of the vintage/retro advertisements and announcements...
This was the collage Michele put together (a few extra photos I didn't have). We only stayed through the Transformers movie - as it was already nearing on 1am when it ended. We didn't feel like with all that we had to look forward to in the upcoming days, staying up until 3:30am would be our most prudent choice! The movie was good - probably my least favorite of the series, and I feel like they could have cut the movie time by at least a half hour - but it was entertaining- it had to be if I was able to stay awake until the end. =)

Sweet days of summer, that's for sure!
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