As soon as Brayden completed his placement tests at Marist (ironically, a set of tests he'd just completed at Cal Young....hopefully the scores that were high will stay high, and the subjects he'd not done as well in went way up!) - we took off to the north for yet another volleyball tournament.
This time, in an effort to switch it up a bit, save some money, and give Brayden a break from having to be bored all day at the tourney, we spent the night at the Schillings. Saturday was gorgeous, so John opted for the back roads to Dallas.
Sydney has grown increasing anxious as time has gone on of long car rides (she LOVES the short ones I take around town) - so in a roll reversal, Syd was drugged with two Diazapam while the kids hung their heads out the window. Pretty funny.

Because of the time change and an error in John trying to work with it on his phone, we were all awake at 4am on Sunday morning. (Lovely!) It wasn't even dawn yet when we arrived in Portland for the tournament.
The kids did great and played hard, with Miss Mikayla all of a sudden becoming "Miss Consistent" with her overhand serves - I think she ended the day with 19 aces. WAY TO GO RILEY!!! We were proud parents and thrilled that our little team managed to come away with second place for the day.
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