Monday, July 30, 2012

Sons of Thunder - "The Last One" =(

Sons of Thunder weekend...sadly, the last one for our boys (except Jackson) - as the boys have graduated out.  =(  

According to all sources, it was a tremendous year.  Lots of bonding, playing, and just being male!   

These two walked away with the biggest "fish caught by a youth" award and biggest "fish caught by an adult" award.  It's the "special bait" they knew to bring....good thing they aren't returning to other families can get in on the action!!! 

Playing around with the camera settings...

Wouldn't want to run into this crew in a dark alley!

These guys were all the way up in a tall tree....

The traditional ending to a "Sons of Thunder" weekend is the stop off at Sweet Home's A&W.  

Sigh, what an extraordinary chapter of my guys' lives now complete. 

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