FRIDAY: Excellent day - and even better afternoon as I tackled my first day back subbing. The class was so sweet, engaging, and ready to listen to my stories....I see the start of something very good. I'm already scheduled to return this Friday afternoon and needless to say, I have no concerns on how that will go - or dread for showing up. This teacher is new for me to sub for, so it was good to already have a positive email exchange about how pleased she was with the sub report - as well as a positive conversation with one of the other new-to-the-bldg 5th grade teachers who has my "business card" as well. I'd love to be able to make the majority of my assignments happen for this school as well as Walterville which I also adore...
FRIDAY EVENING: We had the first football hang-out over at the Whites. These times with them, with football on tv, magazines and books in hand are part of what makes this season so great. =)
SATURDAY: We were at Autzen Stadium for the first time this year....oh, so good to be back, and fun to bring the kids along on this game. We were playing Missouri State and the teams were grossly mismatched. The final score was 56-7, which could have looked a whole lot different had we not played so many reserves. I will gave Missouri State credit, though, their first possession of the ball led them down the field to a touchdown which left the stadium a little speechless. We didn't let that happen again, but they had to feel good for the first five minutes!
We really enjoy most of our seatmate neighbors. However, the folks that sit to the left of me ended up selling their tickets to friends of the folks sitting above us. They have an almost four year old named Cade that they were trying to bribe to make it through the whole game. Given the lack of suspense of the game, I found myself very distracted by sweet little Cade - trying to pull him out of his shyness. Mikayla and Brayden also took to him. I made "Facebook friends" with Mom so I could get these pics to her....she said that Cade is already asking when is the next "Go Ducks game he can go to with his new friends.....". Looks like we might be investing in some more tickets for the game just to keep the friendship going.... =)
Pizza and more football viewing/lounging after the game polished off our Saturday night.
SUNDAY: With many of Brayden's football games now on Wednesday night, we are temporarily returning to our Sunday church timeslot. It's good for the kids to get in to their real Sunday school classes for a while rather than the "looser" curriculum (more games) on Wednesdays. In a "pure genius" move, our collegiates organized a pre-church tailgater for folks to show up to as early as two hours prior to church. They had outdoor games set out and a whole slough of food, including a camp stove to make pancakes with. It was well attended and super great to encourage these UO students to not only attend the Sunday evening CCF on campus, but to also make church a priority too. (Pictures courtesy of Kaela)

(The house managers for the AO House and Trinity House praying...Sunday was move-in day)

(If it's not obvious, Heather and Emily are lamenting their loss to the boys)

The service was great - Pastor Ben re-emphasized our church's vision for "Homothumadon" a Greek word used a lot in Acts pertaining to the urge to create family/community. Loved it.
After church, though - leading back to the title....was spent entirely in bed, with ice packs - and throwing up. Not sure what inspired the migraine, other than maybe bad posture while reading/lounging, but it was a doozy and lasted through the evening. Fortunately, I did eventually get a good night's sleep and feel drastically better today, but still a little "hung-over" and always fearful of the return of symptoms. My week really picks up on Wednesday, so thank God these next two days are dedicated primarily to house-cleaning, laundry and errands.
Oh well, it's been a while since such an episode has hit me, got to be thankful for that - and, as always, for my Mom that helps keep it all in check. I'm trying to keep a positive spin on it all, can you tell?
So, with all that shared, how was your weekend?
1 comment:
Love your pictures!!! Looks like a great weekend...until the headache! So sorry!!
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