Sunday, August 08, 2010

My Kind of Sunday......

Today has been a GREAT day! You want to know why? Was it because we took the boat out (it's been benched for over a month due to all of the exterior renovations)? Nope. Dropping our kids off for some camp at Harlow? Nope. Another great blockbuster movie at the theater? Nope. Off in the wilderness on a hiking/camping adventure? Nope.

It's because we've done NOTHING. Well, not really nothing. We started the day at church, listening to a homerun sermon by Pastor Cross. I then went with Mikayla to the grocery store (for very indulgent goodies as today is the last day to pig out for a while - we've got another wedding coming up and at this rate, there's not a chance to fit into the dress if I don't slow up the indulgence a bit!) - and then we all met up at home. Just the four of us humans and a happy Sydney to have her family home with her.

John and Brayden have already played the Madden pre-game to see who they'd predict, between Cincinnati and Dallas, would win the first pre-season NFL game tonight. Apparently, Brayden, who ran Cincinnati's team on the PS3, kicked butt - so that's the prediction.

Right now, Mikayla is preparing to "take me back to school" - putting together a whole work station so I can be her student. Very cute.

It's been a bean-bag reading, couch-napping, cobbler-eating, uber-relaxing day, and our whole family has treasured the change of pace. There's a change in the air, as I described in a not-so-long-ago post, and pretty soon, these days offering the opportunity of "nothingness" will be a thing of the past. Football, soccer, school, and the Ducks will all be vying for our family's attention. It's not all bad - I think we are all semi-excited for those things, but not so much that we take days like this for granted.


kleephotos said...

Love it. That's a GREAT photo of Mikayla!

Anonymous said...

This morning I had all the windows open and I caught just that hint of briskness in the air that had me thinking of fall, school, soccer, and leaves on the ground. I was reminded that fall really is my favorite season, even more than the beautiful days of summer.

We did have VBS scheduled for this week but I decided to skip it and enjoy some lazy afternoons around our house, too, before summer is gone. Only one month until school!