So, I skipped a few things (like the group workout at the gym - didn't see that helping my headache), and I cut a few things short (like the very end of Brayden's class' bike trip) and I even found at the end of the day that one of the events was actually next Monday (nice planning, Steph!). And, at the end of the day, I was thankful that the three things of most importance for the day were accomplished.
Number 1: Brayden's class bike ride. Nothing like taking nearly 100 kids on a neighborhood bike ride! It is part of the "nothin-but-fun" line-up for this week, and I was happy to help. It was great outside of a certain young man who was determined to yell the entire time (not Brayden). I kept saying, "we're representing your school, tone it down!".....

Number 2: Attending Julie's graduation. This was my biggest "It's gonna be God if I make it event" - given the time constraints from Brayden's bike ride, not knowing for sure where it was located, and trying to find parking on the UO campus on Graduation Day. But, I did it! I found a great spot, wandered a bit trying to find her department's grad location - and along the way found her to take a pre-grad pic, and found where Will and her parents were seated. I handed the "super-lens" camera to Will and he was able to capture some good images of not only Julie, but Sarah as well. I'm so glad it all worked out.

Number 3: Seeing Mom. A couple of days ago, I looked at our every other week appt. and thought, "I've been so good without headaches for so long, I'm not even sure we need to meet" - but then Saturday night hit (combo of leaning over the computer and my cold hitting my sinuses), and it was a Godsend that we had an appt. already scheduled for Monday afternoon. I woke up feeling a little stiff this morning, but otherwise, quite good to go!
Which is good, because today is the day that I'm the official photographer for Brayden's class trip to Camp Harlow for the day. Given the weight of that new lens, this right shoulder and neck better be ready.....
I had to laugh about the UO graduation...I missed my own ceremony! I showed up with my parents on the wrong day. It was nice and quiet and easy to find parking, haha. We took pictures and I was relieved it was over...whatevs...
Well, for sure, that's one way to avoid the crowds! Ha ha Heather!!!
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