John and Brayden are re-doing the "in-ground" containment system to keep Sydney and her friends off the yard and trampoline....AGAIN. Maybe this time it will last....they are certainly not cutting corners this time, so the system won't short itself out as it's done in the past. We found out we'd be having Koda during spring break (chocolate lab) - and if we want our yard to have a chance to turning into grass again - instead of the mud and moss splatches it is now, we need to give those doggies a different place to roam.
Yesterday, we honored Stephie. It was her birthday and Julie and I took a field trip out to where she worked to give her some flowers and a card that was best read without the rest of the family. =) (We all laughed.....) Last night, we headed to Applebees and then returned to a cozy night finishing the last of the DVR'd "Flashforwards" (ready for it to return on March 18th) - and then "Couples Retreat". I was happy that they laughed at as much as Lisa and I had when we had had our "Christmas date" to see at the theater. (Funny movie, but not for kids....) Stephie, I hope you had a good night - as you deserve it a million times over......we love you so much!
In case anyone's been wondering......I still don't have a new vehicle. At this point, it could be until the end of the month. I had really wanted a black Honda Odyssey, but when it looked like none were available in the northwest, we settled for charcoal. But, it seems, those have been hard to obtain as well. So, apparently, there is a vehicle being built right now (we are leasing a new vehicle....) - black - with my name on it. Because we are having to wait, the rate will actually end up being better, which is a huge blessing. But, we sure hope my little plum van hangs on until then......
Brayden's last basketball game is this afternoon. He's had a great season, very confidence-building for our little man. It's just added to the mix of the "banner year" he's having as a fifth grader. We snapped a shot of him going for the jump shot to begin the game last week. He is the second shortest player on the team, but Mike (the coach, and incidentally, "Koda", the dog's dad) - felt like mixing things up. Generally, our gentle giant, Tanner - who is almost always the tallest kid on the court takes it without even having to jump, but this was fun to watch......
I think that's about it - spring break is two weeks away - PRAISE GOD! No special outrageous plans, just a great break from the grind.....
my spring break is in two weeks too....can.not.wait.
chele said...
Happy Birthday Stephietoo! The Schilling Family loves you!!!
And Stephanie Anne - I take exception to the fact that you have "no special plans" for spring break given that you plan on spending it with me. As our time together if more infrequent than ever, I count every moment with you as special... but whatever....
And Brayden - NICE JUMP!!!!
And Mikayla - Best of luck at tomorrow's recital - I'm sure that you and Christina will sound absolutely beautiful together! :)
PS - Johnny - love you too - I'm addressing the rest of the family so I felt like I better not leave you out! :)
Thanks Michele - I'm glad the rest of the family gets nice positives and I get criticism......whatever!
For the record, nothing is more exciting than going to Dallas and having the kids participate in the three day sports camp, then returning here to Eugene together.....it's even better than Disneyworld, that week together!!!! I just didn't want anyone to be overly jealous of my description of our time together..... =)
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