Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Sydney

Today our sweet little puppy turns three years old. Hard to believe it's only three years as it feels like she's been a fixture in our family forever. What a great dog. We're so blessed to have her. Today she gets to celebrate with her best buddy, Bogey (the beagle) as they are having their Wednesday doggy playdate. It's good to be Syd.....


Growin' With It said...

awww, man i just wanna rub that belly! so dale, he turned 5 a couple weeks ago and i gave him a can of wet dog food WHICH HE NEVER GETS. of course he had the grossest farts the rest of the day, so we weren't doing much celebrating! here's to lovin' our pooches! happy bday sydney.

StephieAnne said...

Good to know - we don't want to go down that road!

What Syd absolutely loves are the dog bones you can only get with the Duck emblem on them from the Duck store. They are grossly expensive, but one Christmas we made the mistake of getting her one for her stocking and she wandered around the house whining because she didn't want to put it down and didn't know what to do. (She pretty much just ignores other bones we get for her....) I guess there's a special sale going on at the Duck Store tomorrow that we might have to check out and get her a bone a day late..... (although, the temptation of on-sale Duck gear will undoubtedly cancel out the savings of the bone!).

Stephietoo said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Syd! I can't believe it's been almost three years since we got our dogs! Another thing about the bones; you always have to put them up when Bogey comes over because he loves to take her U of O bones and hide under the table and eat them. It's a good thing you all love Bogey so much. :o)

Thanks for letting Bogey play on Wednesdays. I hope Syd has a fun birthday. I will see you when I pick up the Bogey-Man.