When Mom and Dad returned from their last trip to Hawaii, they raved about the "Warren and Annabelle's Magic Show". Having never been that "big" on illusion or magic, it sounded nice, but I was a bit skeptical that it could truly be that great. However, Dad told stories that sounded impressive, and then they went ahead and gave us tickets to the show for John's birthday - insuring that we would make the show a priority
while we were here.
Travis and Stephanie then took it a step further by "stepping up" our ticket to the full package which included dinner, drinks and dessert (in honor of John's birthday). The only thing left to make the evening perfect was to find childcare for the kiddos (because of the alcohol served, kids can't be in attendance, even though the content of the show is quite family friendly), and somehow, find a way for the group of us to
be front row on the action of the performance.
The childcare was taken care of by using the "Nanny Connection". It cost us an arm and a leg, but it is very recommended and "professional" - when we met the 62 year old ocean swimmer who also teaches 3rd grade, we felt very comfortable knowing that our kids would survive without us for five hours.
As for the "front row" issue, well, we were told to "work it" by being very entertaining and "adorable" - when we were in the presence of the manager during the dining part of the show (you come in and eat first then go into a theater for a show). Let's just say we all were "game-on". I am proud to say I figured out the trick that was necessary to get us into the dining room (it's a little riddle thing) - and we were rewarded with front row seating in the dining room - and then we totally worked the waiter to see what we could make happen. As I've mentioned before, if you get Travis and John together in a situation where personality is the key to success, those two will make things happen. And, they did. John and I were picked, along with 3 other couples to sit in the 8 seats right in front of the illusionist, to basically be the ones picked on throughout the show. Travis and Stephanie were seated directly behind us. Oh yes, magic was already happening before the show even started.
As I'm typing this I have a permanent marker pen scribbled on the back of each hand. On the left hand is a big "L" and on the right hand there is a big "R". Yes, they would be reminders as to which one is which. These letters were written there by "Warren" the illusionist. You guessed it, he asked me to help him do something - with my left hand, and I lifted my right hand. To my defense, he was facing me and demonstrated with his left hand, so I automatically used the same facing hand - and there you go, I got "zinged" again.
John was nicknamed "Gomer" from the start - (think Gomer Pyle). He was Warren's #1 fall guy. I kid you not, the corners of my mouth hurt from laughing and smiling for 2 hours straight. Not only was the experience SO MUCH FUN, but being able to share it with Travis and Stephanie - roaring right next to us, it was, yes, magical. Also, knowing there could be few things in the world "more fun" for John that this evening and his big part in it was just awesome. On top of that, the tricks that were done are nothing short of astounding. I have no idea how it could have been done - I won't spoil anything because I don't want any of the fun lost on any of my readers, but suffice it to say, I'm so impressed.
Perhaps the best part of the show, though, was the likability of this guy. He never cut anybody down in a cruel way, used no profanity, - and even admitted how close to closing the show down he was in his early days. Now he sells out every night, but values his audience so much, not taking them for granted at all. He practically teared up in his appreciation of those folks in the audience who've attended numerous times and continue to bring friends and pass his name on.
So, here I am, passing his name on. Seriously, I could not recommend it more, it's an absolute DON"T MISS if you ever get a chance to vacation in Maui. Pictures to come, and with them a few captions as to some of the hilarity (and occasional embarrassment) that John and I were a part of tonite. Thank you Mom and Dad for making this happen, and and of course, thanks to Travis and Stephanie for making it so extra-special!

This gal's name was Lauren - she was the number one picked on girl of the group (you can see why) - a newlywed, such a sweetie....

Uh oh, I should I have seen it coming, but oh no, I fell for giving him the sympathy kiss, and he gave me the classic shift the face move so I landed on his lips. The one and only time John will ever laugh, smile, and shoot pictures of me liplocking another man.....

When I feel like all I am doing is posting about the great experiences we are having, I feel a little selfish in asking for a prayer request. However, since it is for my kiddos - I think it's okay.
Little Mikayla has been sick for the last 24 hours. Actually, I have been too - funny how I survive four of my best friends' flu/pneumonia ordeals unscathed, but then get to Maui and succumb to a cold - however, here I am with a pretty good sore throat going on, that's been with me from the start. Mikayla seems to have that, as well as a fever - and, perhaps and ear infection. Combine that with a bit too much sun for both kids and a night without mom and dad (yes, I did feel quite guilty when we got home) and it prompted us to cancel the horseback ride that we'd planned to do while the Whites watched the kids on Wed.
So, if you think about it, pray that both kids feel better, and particularly Mikayla's fever subsides so she can enjoy the rest of the trip to its fullest..... Thank you!
Chele said...
My prayers are already with you sweet Mikayla (and Steph). Michael has it really bad too - I'm sure he can sympathize as well. Outside of that, your Maui adventures sound incredible - and your pics could be in a marketing brochure - how very much fun. I can't wait to hear more about it. Love you all and miss you -
Chele :)
Bummer about the illness! I will pray.
AND...the show sounded amazing. What a blast.
Another friend of mine recommended this same show! I think we will check it out when we are there.
I'll be praying!
That list pic???? Hmmm...
Dolphin pictures are a amazing! What an awesome thing to see!
I'm jealous here in the desert...I needed a scarf and a coat to go out last night...
You all look great!
I know, I know - that list pic looks pretty darn incriminating - I've been taking a lot of flack about that. Looks like I'm cradling his face pretty good, huh?! I promise - I was aiming for his cheek!
Just an FYI - Mikayla was diagnosed with Strep Throat today - what is it with tropical vacations and strep throat (Aruba was very painful for me due to that diagnosis)?! The good news is, the medicine already seems to be working and she's full of smiles and laughter right now - what a praise.
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