I don't know what it is about this place, but for the life of us, we have yet to make this experience work without a glitch. For the last several years, we've made a June trip to this cozy landmark in Dallas and every year some sort of technical issue gets the best of us. Whether it's the "ding-ding-ding" that Amy can't make stop in her vehicle, the incredibly lacking sound quality in Michael's truck, or this year, the fact that John had the radio connected through the monitor display which had the car battery die at the beginning of the second feature...... Sigh, perhaps next year, we'll have it perfected.
The glitches didn't ruin the fun, however. Gates opened at 6:30 for the double feature of "Shrek 3" and "Pirates 3" and we arrived around 6:45. The show doesn't start until dusk - 9:30, so that left plenty of time for a picnic dinner, the kids (we went with Michele's family) to play and get completely filthy in the little fenced off park area, and an oportunity to toss the football with my son. Oh, and let's not forget, the chance for John to catch up on some lost sleep.....
If you haven't made a field trip to a drive-inn, it really is worth the effort -technical glitches and all......

I have so many great memories at that drive-inn. It makes me happy that you are also forming memories there. I'm glad to hear the evening wasn't ruined.
I googled drive-ins because of you and found one about and hour away. We went last October and plan to go a couple of times this Summer. It is sooo much fun!
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