So, last week Brayden came home home with an assignment to create a Tree House to look like a scene from SUNSET AT THE SABERTOOTH - a Magic Tree House book. My first thought was annoyance, why do they have to give him a big project in the peak of busy Christmas time and when every last nerve is frazzled among the entire family? (Even Curious George isn't cutting it to make good moods happen in the mornings for these weary children). My second thought was, how on Earth is a 2nd grader like Brayden supposed to create a treehouse on his own......? But, we've all been there, and it's only the beginning of the projects to come, so we chose to just buck up and get it down today as it is due on Thursday.
Did you notice the "we" suggestion? - Yes, indeed, certainly a family project here. Mommy (and Brayden) helped create the landscape, while Daddy (and Brayden) constructed the tree house. And, OF COURSE, the entire idea was Brayden's..... no creativity imput from Mom and Dad......
Throw in some hot glue gun burns, hours passing by, a kid that can't stick with the project and Sydney who has to be directly underneath our feet and needless to say, the nerves are even more frazzled. But, the good news is - it's done - and I will personally be carrying it in to the teacher tomorrow.
Well Done Daddy, er, I mean Brayden!

It seems to me that these projects are meant to be a family event. My niece came home with a similar, ginormous assignment, and for THREE weeks my sister and I were like, "Now how do they expect a 3rd grader to do this on their own???"
I don't remember projects like this until 6th grade.
EXACTLY! Actually, I do remember such projects that Michele and I had to do at his age - a paper mache zebra my mom and dad created and painted, a seahorse project..... Thank you, Hollie, those memories just now alleviated a lot of guilt for helping my son too much - my mom and dad did the very same thing and I think I turned out ok.....
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